Friday, February 14, 2025

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然後,他透過觀察得出結論:「有人攻勝孤身一人,若有二人便能敵擋他;三股合成的繩子不容易折斷。」(傳道書4章12節) 我把這節經文當成自己的座右銘之一。多年來,我看到自己的家人度過每個艱難的時刻,知道主是使我們始終堅強的「第三股」力量。這是信心——首先是對上帝的信心,然後是對彼此的信任。

我們可以用一種正確的方式來生活。在羅馬書1章17節中,使徒保羅宣告說:「因為 神的義正在這福音上顯明出來;這義是本於信,以至於信。如經上所記:義人必因信得生。」這適用於我們在這個世界生存的各個層面,包括我們在商業和專業領域的生活。如果我們不讓他人和上帝參與自己的生活,遲早我們會發現自己受欺騙。更糟的是,我們會發現自己脫離了上帝的旨意,沒有追求祂對我們生命的計畫。


這些人被周圍「以自我為中心」的文化所矇騙。 箴言27章17節說:「鐵磨鐵,磨出刃來;朋友相感也是如此。」而耶穌說:「……離了我,你們就不能做甚麼。」(約翰福音15章5節) 如果我們想體驗全面、充實的生活,就需要讓別人參與我們的日常生活。如果我們想要充實的生命,則需要讓上帝進入我們的每一個思想,讓祂掌管我們的生活。耶穌還說:「我來了,是要叫羊得生命,並且得的更豐盛。」(約翰福音10章10節)

Jim MathisJim Langley從事人壽健康保險業已經超過30年了。最近幾年,他熱心於將自己與神的關係書 寫出來,目的是要鼓勵其他人更加親近神。他也是CBMC的長期會員,在2014年時,他開始寫作「四分衛策略」(Fourth Quarter Strategies)。


  1. 當你聽到「信心」這個詞時,會聯想到什麼?你對「有信心」的定義是什麼?
  2. 對上帝「有信心」是什麼意思,特別是在職場工作中?這對你而言重要嗎?請解釋原因。「空間」
  3. 在我們的日常生活以及商業和專業領域的工作中,對他人「有信心」是什麼意思?你覺得能信任他人,不只是單單實現自己的目標,是一件容易的事嗎?「空間」?
  4. 你如何能在日常生活中表現出對上帝和他人的信心?你願意如此嗎?請解釋你的答案。

備註:關於這個主題更多的聖經經文,請參考(因經文較長,考慮到篇幅和新舊約 經文,您可以參閱下列未列出的經文詩篇97:10-12、箴言16:1-3)

26:1 當那日,在猶大地人必唱這歌說:我們有堅固的城。耶和華要將救恩定為城牆,為外郭。
26:2 敞開城門,使守信的義民得以進入。
26:3 堅心倚賴你的,你必保守他十分平安,因為他倚靠你。
26:4 你們當倚靠耶和華直到永遠,因為耶和華是永久的磐石。

12:12 就如身子是一個,卻有許多肢體;而且肢體雖多,仍是一個身子;基督也是這樣。
12:13 我們不拘是猶太人,是希臘人,是為奴的,是自主的,都從一位聖靈受洗,成了一個身體,飲於一位聖靈。
12:14 身子原不是一個肢體,乃是許多肢體。
12:15 設若腳說:「我不是手,所以不屬乎身子,」它不能因此就不屬乎身子。」
12:16 設若耳說:「我不是眼,所以不屬乎身子,」它不能因此就不屬乎身子。
12:17 若全身是眼,從哪裏聽聲呢?若全身是耳,從哪裏聞味呢?
12:18 但如今, 神隨自己的意思把肢體俱各安排在身上了。
12:19 若都是一個肢體,身子在哪裏呢?
12:20 但如今肢體是多的,身子卻是一個。
12:21 眼不能對手說:「我用不著你。」頭也不能對腳說:「我用不著你。」
12:22 不但如此,身上肢體人以為軟弱的,更是不可少的。
12:23 身上肢體,我們看為不體面的,越發給它加上體面;不俊美的,越發得著俊美。
12:24 我們俊美的肢體,自然用不著裝飾;但 神配搭這身子,把加倍的體面給那有缺欠的肢體,
12:25 免得身上分門別類,總要肢體彼此相顧。
12:26 若一個肢體受苦,所有的肢體就一同受苦;若一個肢體得榮耀,所有的肢體就一同快樂。

12:1 我們既有這許多的見證人,如同雲彩圍著我們,就當放下各樣的重擔,脫去容易纏累我們的罪,存心忍耐,奔那擺在我們前頭的路程。


By Jim Langley

In our business lives, it is easy to curl up into a ball, like a hedgehog, and not allow others to get close to us. When a hedgehog assumes this defensive posture, it becomes immobile and can go nowhere! I have known many focused executives who live defensively, refusing to allow those around them to invade their domain.

I have taken steps in other areas of my life to reduce my activities using this general principle to guide my decisions: “You cannot do everything. In fact, you can only do a few things if you want to do them well.”

These may gain some level of success but are missing the opportunity to greatly expand their horizons. If they would open up and let others into their space, their business endeavors could become much more productive. They apparently fear the influence of others and wish to receive all the credit for whatever they might accomplish.

However, in reality, teamwork is critical in all we do in life. In Ecclesiastes 4:9-10, King Solomon wrote, “Two are better than one, because they have a good return for their work: If one falls down, his friend can help him up. But pity the man who falls and has no one to help him up.

Speaking to His disciples, Jesus made reference to this when He declared, “I am the vine, and my Father is the gardener. He cuts off every branch in me that bears no fruit, while every branch that does bear fruit he prunes so that it will be even more fruitful” (John 15:1-2). Jesus was talking specifically about spiritual growth, but the principle applies to every area of life, whether we are in the workplace, in our homes with our families, or engaged in activities in our neighborhoods and communities.

Then he concludes the thought by observing, “Though one may be overpowered, two can defend themselves. A cord of three strands is not easily broken” (Ecclesiastes 4:12). I have adopted this as one of my life verses from the Bible, and over the years have seen our family make it through very challenging times, knowing the Lord is that “third strand” that kept us strong through it all. It was faith – first in God, and then in one another.

There is a right way to live our lives. In Romans 1:17, the apostle Paul proclaimed, “For in the gospel a righteousness from God is revealed, a righteousness that is by faith from first to last, just as it is written: ‘The righteous will live by faith.’” That applies to every aspect of our existence on this planet, including the time we spend in the business and professional world. If we attempt to conduct our lives without letting others and God become part of the equation, sooner or later we will find ourselves being deceived. Worse yet, we will realize we are out of God’s will and failing to pursue His purpose for our lives.

They are being deceived by the self-centered culture that surrounds them. As Proverbs 27:17 affirms, “As iron sharpens iron, so one man sharpens another.” And as Jesus said, “…apart from Me you can do nothing” (John 15:5). If we want to experience well-rounded, fulfilling lives, we need to let others into our daily affairs. If we want an abundant life, you need to let God into our every thought, allowing Him to take control of our lives. The Lord also said, “I have come that they may have life, and have it to the full” (John 10:10).

©© 2020 Jim Langley has been writing for more than 30 years while working as a life and health insurance agent. In recent years, his passion has turned to writing about his relationship with God. His goal is to encourage others to draw near to Him as well. A long-time member of CBMC, he started writing “Fourth Quarter Strategies” in 2014.

Reflection/Discussion Questions

  1. When you hear the word “faith,” what comes to your mind? What would be your own definition of what it means to have faith?
  2. What does it mean to have faith in God, especially in the world of work? Is this important for you? Why or why not?
  3. What does it mean to have faith in others as we conduct our daily activities and carry out our responsibilities in the business and professional world? How easy is it for you to place your trust in others, rather than attempting to accomplish your goals solely on your own?
  4. How might you be able to exert and demonstrate more faith – both in God and others – in how you conduct your everyday life? Is this something you are even willing to do? Explain your answer.

NOTE: For more about what the Bible says consider the following passages:

Psalm 97:10-12; Proverbs 16:1-3; Isaiah 26:1-4; 1 Corinthians 12:12-26; Hebrews 12:1