#6──穹頂之下──Under the Dome
English version at the bottom of this page
二、最初的日子:第六章 第二天 – 穹頂之下
第二天是教會最難71理解的事情,因為我們受到大政府和大機構的灌輸。謊言就在那裡,而且持續存在,儘管經文中說的不是這樣。第一章的第6、7 和8節是最終的發現,一旦聖靈打開你的眼睛。72作為一個具有西方世界思維的現代人,我認為上帝在創造了光之後會創造一些壯觀的東西。他已經有了大地、水、天空和深淵,聽從祂的命令,祂已經結束了這一切的混亂… 那麼現在呢?重力?電磁力?核功能?黑暗光子?完全沒有。祂做了一個非常大的碗,然後把它砸在大地上面,就像我媽媽在雞肉和米飯上做的平底鍋蓋。 73
從詹姆士王釋本 (King James Version) 來看,第二天的內容是這樣的:「神說,在水中央要有穹蒼,把水和水分開。神就造了穹蒼,把穹蒼之下的水和穹蒼之上的水分開──就是這樣了。神就稱那穹蒼為天。晚上和早晨是第二日。」比所有物理學家列為最重要的力量更重要的是這個想法,即它是一個蓋子。的確如此!一個非常、非常大的蓋子!但它不止於此,我們將看到。在這裡,詹姆士王的譯者稱它為「穹蒼」,所以我們先來探討這個問題。在我們談論它的作用之前,讓我們先弄清楚它是什麼…。因為你們中的一些人已經準備好現在就把這本書扔掉。先別急著認為我是個瘋子。讓我先告訴你為什麼摩西是個瘋子。
以西結看到上帝就坐在它的上面。74它的閘門在挪亞身上打開。75我的意思是,它很堅固吧?「穹蒼」一詞在希伯來語原文中是 拉基亞 (Raqia),意思是「擴展的表面,(堅固的)廣闊的地方(就像打出來的一樣…)[和](平坦的)廣闊的地方(就像用冰做成的一樣…)[和]天穹,或被希伯來人視為堅固的『穹蒼』,支持它上面的『水』」。76一個大的固體東西,坐在我們上面?我知道這聽起來很不尋常,因為我們認為空間是真空的,但在這裡,《聖經》中談到了一個廣闊的、被打出來的、平坦的表面,就在我們的上面。這可能是電離層 (The ionosphere) 嗎?磁層 (The magnetosphere)?范艾倫帶 (The Van Allen Belt)?奧爾特雲 (Oort cloud)?這是完全不同的東西嗎?繼續尋找總是好的,所以讓我們看看它是什麼,也許這將幫助我們回答我們的問題。
上帝說:「要有一個穹蒼」。現在有了穹蒼,上帝說要讓它把水和水分開。祂正是這樣做的,然後這段經文以祂為穹蒼命名結束:「天」。祂創造了穹蒼,讓它把水分開,然後把它命名為「天」。這聽起來像 「太空」嗎?聖經說,「天」將水與水分開。這聽起來不像是卡爾.薩根 (Carl Sagan)一直在告訴我們的東西。卡爾.薩根將地球描述為「懸浮在太陽光中的一粒塵埃」77,然而以斯拉稱它為堅定不動搖的78、詩篇稱它為堅定不移的79、以賽亞稱它為堅定不動搖的80。這聽起來並不像薩根所說的「蒼白的藍點」。但話又說回來,薩根在他的小說──《接觸》(Contact)──中對聖經說得很清楚:「我想說的是,如果上帝想給我們傳遞信息,而古代的文字是他能想到的唯一方式,他可以做得更好。」 81
69 出埃及記33:11a 「耶和華與摩西面對面說話、好像人與朋友說話一般…」
70 出埃及記34:27 「耶和華吩咐摩西說、你要將這些話寫上、因為我是按這話與你和以色列人立約。」耶穌在約翰福音5:46 中說:「你們如果信摩西、也必信我.因為他書上有指著我寫的話。」
71或 「教會」──意思是上帝所選之人的原則性集會。
72 約翰福音14:26 「但保惠師、就是父因我的名所要差來的聖靈、他要將一切的事、指教你們、並且要叫你們想起我對你們所說的一切話。」
73 說實話,我母親是個糟糕的廚師,但她把雞肉和米飯的食譜記下來了。
74 以西結書1:22-26 GNT「在這些活物的頭頂上,有一個東西,好像是用耀眼的水晶做的圓頂。在穹頂下站著這些活物,每一個都向旁邊的活物伸出兩個翅膀,用另外兩個翅膀遮蓋自己的身體。我聽到它們的翅膀在飛行時發出的聲音;聽起來像大海的咆哮,像一支龐大軍隊的聲音,像全能的上帝的聲音。當它們停止飛行時,它們折起了翅膀,但仍有聲音從它們頭頂的穹頂上方傳來。在穹頂之上有一個像藍寶石製成的寶座的東西,坐在寶座上的是一個像人的形象。」
和合本譯本:「活物的頭以上、有穹蒼的形像、看著像可畏的水晶、鋪張在活物的頭以上。 穹蒼以下、活物的翅膀直張、彼此相對.每活物有兩個翅膀遮體。活物行走的時候、我聽見翅膀的響聲、像大水的聲音、像全能者的聲音、也像軍隊鬨嚷的聲音、活物站住的時候、便將翅膀垂下。 在他們頭以上的穹蒼之上有聲音.他們站住的時候、便將翅膀垂下。 在他們頭以上的穹蒼之上、有寶座的形像、彷彿藍寶石.在寶座形像以上、有彷彿人的形狀。」
75 創世記7:11 「當挪亞六百歲、二月十七日那一天、大淵的泉源、都裂開了、天上的窗戶、也敞開了。」
76 《布朗-迪弗-布里格斯希伯來語和英語詞典》(The Brown-Driver-Briggs Hebrew and English Lexicon),Francis Brown, S. R. Driver, Charles A. Briggs
77 卡爾.薩根 (Carl Sagan),1994年《蒼白的藍點》(Pale Blue Dot),Copyright © 2006 by Democritus Properties, LLC
78 歷代志上16:30 (以斯拉記錄了大衛所說的話)
79 詩篇93:1,96:10,104:5
80 以賽亞書45:18
81《阿洛維博士-接觸》(Dr. Arroway, Contact),卡爾.薩根 (Carl Sagan),New York: Pocket Books, 1985
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Part One: The Genesis Account
II: First Days──Chapter 6: Day 2 -Under the Dome
Genesis speaks to us of mysteries. They are varied and they are abundant. We may never fully understand all of what God did during the days of creation, or what was before creation. We can, however, examine the document left to us by God’s friend Moses.1 Moses would speak to God face to face! Wow, that’s incredible isn’t it? Yet, Moses’ words resonate as inspired scripture, divinely.2 There was something going on with that servant of God, and his writings remain the most powerful words ever written to this day.
Day two is the hardest thing for the ekklesia3 to understand because of our indoctrination from big government and big institutions. The lie is there and it persists, though scripture says otherwise. Verses 6,7, and 8 of chapter 1 are the ultimate discovery once the Holy Spirit opens your eyes to it.4 As a modern western-world minded man, I would assume that God would create something spectacular after He made light. He already had the earth, waters, sky, and the abyss at His command and He’s put an end to the confusion of it all… So now what?
Gravity? Electromagnetism? Nuclear Functions? Dark Photons? Not at all. He makes a really big bowl and smacks it on top of the earth, like my mom did with the skillet lid over chicken and rice.5
From the King James Version, day two reads like this: “And God said, Let there be a firmament in the midst of the waters, and let it divide the waters from the waters. And God made the firmament, and divided the waters which were under the firmament from the waters which were above the firmament: and it was so. And God called the firmament Heaven. And the evening and the morning were the second day.” More important than all of the forces that physicists place as top priority is this idea of it being a lid. Indeed! A really, really big lid! But it’s more than that, as we will see. Here, the translators for King James called it: “The Firmament,” so let’s explore that first. Let’s find out what it is before we talk about what it does… Because some of you are ready to throw out this book right now. Don’t think I’m crazy just yet. Let me tell you why Moses was crazy first.
Ezekiel saw God sitting right on top of it.6 The floodgates of it opened on Noah.7 I mean, it’s pretty solid right? The word “firmament” in the original Hebrew is “Raqia,” which means “extended surface, (solid) expanse (as if beaten out…) [and] (flat) expanse (as if made of ice…) [and] the vault of heaven, or ‘firmament’ regarded by Hebrews as solid and supporting ‘waters’ above it.”8 A large solid thing, sitting on top of us? I know it sounds unusual to our ears, because we think of space as a vacuum, but here it is in the Bible talking about an expansive, beaten out, flat surface right on top of us. Could this be the ionosphere? The magnetosphere? The Van Allen Belt? Oort cloud? Is this something else entirely? It’s always good to keep looking, so let’s see what it does and maybe that will help us answer our question.
God said: ‘Let there be a firmament.’ There is now a firmament. God said to let it divide the waters from the waters. He did just exactly that, and then the passage ends with Him naming the firmament: “Heaven.” He created the firmament, made it divide water and then named it “Heaven.” Does this sound like “Space”? The Word says that “Heaven” separates the waters from the waters. That doesn’t sound like what Carl Sagan has been telling us. Carl Sagan describes the earth as: “a mote of dust suspended in a sunbeam”9 and yet Ezra calls it firm and immovable,10 The Psalmists call it firm and unshakable,11 and Isaiah calls it fixed steadfast.12 This does not sound alike the “Pale blue dot” that Sagan refers to. But then again, Sagan makes himself clear on the Bible in his novel: Contact – “What I’m saying is, if God wanted to send us a message, and ancient writings were the only way he could think of doing it, he could have done a better job.”13
After all is said and done, I would rather trust God than Carl.
1 Exodus 33:11a KJV “And the LORD spake unto Moses face to face, as a man speaketh unto his friend.”
2 Exodus 34:27 WEB “Yahweh said to Moses, “Write you these words: for in accordance with these words I have made a covenant with you and with Israel.” and Jesus says in John 5:46 BLB “For if you were believing Moses, you would have believed Me; for he wrote concerning Me.”
3 Or “ecclesia” – meaning the principle assembly of God’s chosen people.
4 John 14:26 KJ21 “But the Comforter, who is the Holy Ghost whom the Father will send in My name, He shall teach you all things and bring all things to your remembrance, whatsoever I have said unto you.”
5 My mother, honestly, was a terrible cook, but she had the chicken and rice recipe down.
6 Ezekiel 1: 22-26 GNT “Above the heads of the creatures there was something that looked like a dome made of dazzling crystal. There under the dome stood the creatures, each stretching out two wings toward the ones next to it and covering its body with the other two wings. I heard the noise their wings made in flight; it sounded like the roar of the sea, like the noise of a huge army, like the voice of Almighty God. When they stopped flying, they folded their wings, but there was still a sound coming from above the dome over their heads. Above the dome there was something that looked like a throne made of sapphire, and sitting on the throne was a figure that looked like a human being.”
7 Genesis 7:11 KJV “In the six hundredth year of Noah’s life, in the second month, the seventeenth day of the month, the same day were all the fountains of the great deep broken up, and the windows of heaven were opened.”
8 The Brown-Driver-Briggs Hebrew and English Lexicon, Francis Brown, S. R. Driver, Charles A. Briggs
9 Carl Sagan, 1994, Pale Blue Dot, Copyright © 2006 by Democritus Properties, LLC
10 1 Chronicles 16:30
11 Psalms 93:1, 96:10, 104:5
12 Isaiah 45:18
13 Dr. Arroway, Contact, Carl Sagan, New York: Pocket Books, 1985
──Biblical Cosmology by Pauly Hart
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