Tuesday, January 21, 2025

Vine Media









美好言語(良言)具有近乎藥物般的療效。我們所說的話,有時會產生比我們所能想像的,具有更大的好處。「人心憂慮,屈而不伸;一句良言,使心歡樂。」(箴言12章25節) 「良言如同蜂房,使心覺甘甜,使骨得醫治。」(箴言16章24節)



@2023版權所有,經許可改編自 “UBN誠信時刻”,關於職場工作中信仰議題的評論。UBN(非常規企業聯盟)是一個服務小型企業界的國際性職場信仰事工。UBN的官網: www.unconventionalbusiness.org


箴言 10章32節
10:32 義人的嘴能令人喜悅;惡人的口說乖謬的話。
箴言 12章18節
12:18 說話浮躁的,如刀刺人;智慧人的舌頭卻為醫人的良藥。
箴言 15章1、4節
15:1 回答柔和,使怒消退;言語暴戾,觸動怒氣。
箴言 16章21節
16:21 心中有智慧,必稱為通達人;嘴中的甜言,加增人的學問。
箴言 17章27節
17:27 寡少言語的,有知識;性情溫良的,有聰明。
箴言 18章20節
18:20 人口中所結的果子,必充滿肚腹;他嘴所出的,必使他飽足。
箴言 20章15節
20:15 有金子和許多珍珠(或作:紅寶石),惟有知識的嘴乃為貴重的珍寶。
箴言 22章11節
22:11 喜愛清心的人因他嘴上的恩言,王必與他為友。


  1. 你能想到一個在你情緒特別低落的時候,別人給你的美好言語讓你振奮起來的時刻嗎?那對你來說是什麼樣的經歷呢?
  2. 你有沒有嘗試過自然地給別人鼓勵的話語呢?對你來說,這樣做容易還是困難?為什麼你會這麼認為呢?
  3. 你覺得如果職場上努力提供一個更正向的環境,包括使用真誠的肯定和鼓勵的話語,會有什麼不同?尤其是在你工作地方呢?
  4. 你可以如何以身作則,無論是在工作、在餐廳,還是在一般的日常生活中,都使用肯定和鼓勵的話語影響他人?你現在能想到一個特定的人,他可以從你的鼓勵而受益嗎 ?


By  Rick Boxx

My wife, Kathy, makes it a habit to stop people wearing a military or police uniform and thank them for their service. Lately, she has begun doing the same thing with waiters and waitresses. I have noticed many restaurant employees seem to be feeling overwhelmed lately, resulting in more opportunities for Kathy to utilize her gift of encouragement.

After she thanks a server for their service, Kathy usually finds something about them to praise and encourage. By the time we leave, Kathy has a new friend, and her new friend has been encouraged and filled with joy.

Have you ever done something like that? Or have you been the beneficiary of someone else’s kindness verbalized in a similar way? Can you imagine what could happen if this philosophy of seeking to uplift people verbally were adopted and encouraged by companies and organizations around the globe, that it were to become the rule rather than the exception?

The contemporary marketplace is filled with workplaces that are greatly understaffed; the workers there constantly feel high levels of stress. Discouragement, frustration, anger and anxiety are the most common emotions in many work settings. The prevailing philosophy, sadly, seems to be, “If you can’t say something bad, don’t say anything at all.”

But this does not have to be the case where we work. Today would be a good day for each of us to take the initiative to pass along some pleasant words and encouragement to others. We might not be able to change the environment of the marketplace in general, but we can make a difference where we work and spend many of our waking hours. Here are some things the Old Testament book of Proverbs says about the amazing power of pleasant words:

The pain many people are experiencing is not only physical. From the outside, many people seem to be doing well. When asked, “How are you doing?” they may even respond, “I’m fine.” But often, deep inside they are carrying deep pain and nursing considerable emotional hurts. “A cheerful heart is good medicine, but a crushed spirit dries up the bones” (Proverbs 17:22).

Kind words can carry almost medicinal value. What we say can sometimes do greater good than we could imagine. “An anxious heart weighs a man down, but a kind word cheers him up” (Proverbs 12:25). “Pleasant words are a honeycomb, sweet to the soul and healing to the bones” (Proverbs 16:24).

Food nourishes us physically; encouraging words can nourish emotionally. Perhaps more than ever, people in the workplace are starving for affirmation, encouragement, and genuine understanding.
“The tongue of the righteous is choice silver, but the heart of the wicked is of little value. The lips of the righteous nourish many, but fools die for lack of judgment” (Proverbs 10:20-21).

Our words can be as valuable as our work. In the workplace we typically are evaluated based on the visible and tangible quality of the work we perform. But the impact of the words we express to one another can be of immeasurable value and importance. “From the fruit of his lips a man is filled with good things, as surely as the work of his hands rewards him” (Proverbs 12:14).

Copyright 2023, Unconventional Business Network. Adapted with permission from “UBN Integrity Moments”, a commentary on faith at work issues. Visit www.unconventionalbusiness.org UBN is a faith at work ministry serving the international small business community.

Reflection/Discussion Questions

  1. Can you think of a time when someone’s kind words served to lift your spirits when they were at a particularly low point? What was that experience like for you?
  2. Have you ever tried to offer words of encouragement to someone else spontaneously? How easy – or difficult – is that for you to do? Why do you think that is?
  3. What difference do you think it would make if workplaces strived to provide a more positive environment, including the use of words that are genuinely affirming and encouraging? What about where you work in particular?
  4. How could you try to set an example of speaking words that affirm and uplift people, whether at work, in a restaurant, or somewhere else over the course of an ordinary day? Can you think of a specific individual who could benefit from such encouragement?

NOTE: If you have a Bible and would like to read more, consider the following passages:
Proverbs 10:32, 12:18, 15:1,4, 16:21, 17:27, 18:20, 20:15, 22:11



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