Saturday, July 27, 2024

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我們當中許多人可能不會把平安 列入新年新希望的清單。這不是指世界和平,因為那是我們幾乎無法控制的事。我們所生活的這個充滿動盪和混亂的世界,短期內似乎不可能有所改變。然而在周圍不斷發生的動盪之中,我們是否有可能得到外在環境無法動搖的內在平安?



透過耶穌基督得來的平安。聖經稱耶穌為「和平的君」(以賽亞書9章6節)。耶穌在世上的事工快要結束時,應許賜給門徒平安,這和他們以前所經歷的一切都不同。「 我留下平安給你們;我將我的平安賜給你們。我所賜的,不像世人所賜的。你們心裏不要憂愁,也不要膽怯。」(約翰福音14章27節)

超越人類所能理解的平安。有時候,生活中的挑戰和困難似乎沒有解決之道。在困難中,我們如何能體驗平安?使徒保羅對逆境並不陌生,他向耶穌的跟隨者提供了這樣的保證:「應當一無掛慮,只要凡事藉著禱告、祈求,和感謝,將你們所要的告訴 神。神所賜、出人意外的平安必在基督耶穌裏保守你們的心懷意念。」(腓立比書4章6-7節)



© 2019. Robert J. Tamasy 是企業巔峰: 給今日職場從箴言而來永恆的智慧 一書的作者。也與導師之心的作者David A. Stoddard 合著Tufting Legacies。編輯多本著作包括Mike Landry. Bob的書: 透過苦難成長。Mike Landry. Bob的網站為, 他的雙週部落格為:


  1. 你如何定義「平安」?即使只是一瞬間,在生活中有平安時,你感覺如何?
  2. 你覺得​​為什麼在今天的世界中,很難擁有平安?你認為希望擁有超越環境,真正內心的平安實際嗎?原因是甚麼?
  3. 你的人生是否有過身處極其艱難的考驗,內心卻依然平安的經驗?如果有,請描述當時的情況。
  4. 除了工作職責外,在職場上擁有平安,是否和你在個人生活中可以體驗到的平安有所不同?請解釋你的答案。


23:1 耶和華是我的牧者,我必不致缺乏。
23:2 他使我躺臥在青草地上,領我在可安歇的水邊。
23:3 他使我的靈魂甦醒,為自己的名引導我走義路。
23:4 我雖然行過死蔭的幽谷,也不怕遭害,因為你與我同在;你的杖,你的竿,都安慰我。
23:5 在我敵人面前,你為我擺設筵席;你用油膏了我的頭,使我的福杯滿溢。
23:6 我一生一世必有恩惠慈愛隨著我;我且要住在耶和華的殿中,直到永遠。

29:10 洪水泛濫之時,耶和華坐著為王;耶和華坐著為王,直到永遠。
29:11 耶和華必賜力量給他的百姓;耶和華必賜平安的福給他的百姓。

20:21 耶穌又對他們說:「願你們平安!父怎樣差遣了我,我也照樣差遣你們。」

15:13 但願使人有盼望的 神,因信將諸般的喜樂、平安充滿你們的心,使你們藉著聖靈的能力大有盼望!

5:22 聖靈所結的果子,就是仁愛、喜樂、和平、忍耐、恩慈、良善、信實、
5:23 溫柔、節制。這樣的事沒有律法禁止。

2:11 所以你們應當記念:你們從前按肉體是外邦人,是稱為沒受割禮的;這名原是那些憑人手在肉身上稱為受割禮之人所起的。
2:12 那時,你們與基督無關,在以色列國民以外,在所應許的諸約上是局外人,並且活在世上沒有指望,沒有 神。
2:13 你們從前遠離 神的人,如今卻在基督耶穌裏,靠著他的血,已經得親近了。
2:14 因他使我們和睦(原文是因他是我們的和睦),將兩下合而為一,拆毀了中間隔斷的牆;
2:15 而且以自己的身體廢掉冤仇,就是那記在律法上的規條,為要將兩下藉著自己造成一個新人,如此便成就了和睦。
2:16 既在十字架上滅了冤仇,便藉這十字架使兩下歸為一體,與 神和好了,
2:17 並且來傳和平的福音給你們遠處的人,也給那近處的人。
2:18 因為我們兩下藉著他被一個聖靈所感,得以進到父面前。


By Robert J. Tamasy

All around the world, clocks and calendars are counting down. By this time next week, we will have entered another year, either bidding a fond farewell to the year just passed or simply saying, “Good riddance!” Each new year represents an opportunity for a fresh start. If the past year was a successful one, it is a chance to build on that success. If not, we can resolve to fix what was broken.

Since we only get one shot at each new year, we typically seek to maximize the “newness” by reflecting on the past, taking a deep breath, and then plunging into whatever the next year has to offer. With that in mind, if you were to identify the most important things you hope to achieve during the coming year, what would they be? Greater profits? A long-awaited promotion? A job change?

One thing many of us might not include on such a list is peace. Not world peace, since that is something we have little if any control over. Living in a world filled with turmoil and chaos, it seems unlikely that will change anytime soon. But amid the continual upheaval that surrounds us, is it possible to attain inner peace that external circumstances cannot touch?

In search of this, some turn to spiritual alternatives, such as meditation or mysticism. Blocking out the external, physical world to cultivate our internal, spiritual selves. There are many books, websites and workshops for those who choose such options. These may be helpful, to one degree or another.

However, there is one time-tested, enduring source of peace that countless millions of people through the centuries have found for connecting both the spiritual and the physical worlds in which they live. Here are some of the many peace-giving promises we find in the Bible:

Peace through Jesus Christ. The Scriptures called Jesus the “Prince of Peace” (Isaiah 9:6). Nearing the conclusion of His earthly ministry, Jesus promised to give them a kind of peace unlike anything they had ever experienced. “Peace I leave with you; my peace I give you. I do not give to you as the world gives. Do not let your hearts be troubled and do not be afraid” (John 14:27).

Peace beyond all human comprehension. Sometimes the challenges and hardships of everyday living seem without solution. How can we experience peace when enduring such difficult times? The apostle Paul, no stranger to adversity, offered this assurance for followers of Jesus: “Do not be anxious about anything, but in every situation, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, present your requests to God. And the peace of God, which transcends all understanding, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus” (Philippians 4:6-7).

Peace in the midst of trials. We often regain a sense of peace when difficulties subside, but Jesus promised His followers they could enjoy peace in the midst of them. I have told you these things, so that in me you may have peace. In this world you will have trouble. But take heart! I have overcome the world” (John 16:33).

Peace: a promise, and a command. Those of who profess faith in Christ are instructed not only to believe assurances of peace, but also to act on those promises. “Let the peace of Christ rule in your hearts, since as members of one body you were called to peace” (Colossians 3:15).

© 2019. Robert J. Tamasy has written numerous books, including Marketplace Ambassadors: CBMC’s Continuing Legacy of Evangelism and Discipleship; Business at Its Best: Timeless Wisdom from Proverbs for Today’s Workplace; Tufting Legacies;The Heart of Mentoring, coauthored with David A. Stoddard; and edited other books, including Advancing Through Adversity by Mike Landry. Bob’s biweekly blog is:

Reflection/Discussion Questions

  1. How would you define “peace”? What does it look like or feel like when you are experiencing peace in your life, even if it is momentary?
  2. In your opinion, why is peace such an elusive quality in our world today? Do you think the hope of having true inner peace that transcends external circumstances is realistic? Why or why not?
  3. Have you ever experienced a time of unusual inner peace despite extremely difficult trials you had encountered in your life? If so, describe what that was like for you.
  4. Does the idea of having a sense of peace in the marketplace differ from the kind of peace you can experience in one’s personal life, apart from work responsibilities? Explain your answer.

NOTE: If you have a Bible and would like to read more consider the following passages:
Psalm 23:1-6, 29:10-11; John 20:21; Romans 15:13; Galatians 5:22-23; Ephesians 2:11-18