Day 23 The Hausa people of West and Central Africa
Jesus gave us the Great Commission, telling us to “go into all the world and make disciples of all nations.” In response to this high calling, TWR, through its programs and projects, reaches out to unreached people groups throughout the world. In Africa, that includes the Hausa people.
It is estimated that of the 7.83 billion people alive in the world today, 3.37 billion live in unreached people groups with little or no access to the gospel of Jesus Christ.
Joshua Project counts 17,428 people groups in the world, with more than 7,400 considered unreached, comprising more than 42% of the world’s population. The vast majority (85%) of these least-reached groups exist in the 10/40 window (between 10 degrees and 40 degrees north latitude in North Africa, the Middle East and Asia), but less than 10% of missionary work is done among these people.
The vast majority of Hausa are followers of Islam, although there are some Christians and some hold to a traditional faith.
The Hausa people originally were from Nigeria and still are predominantly found in the northern part of Nigeria. However, Hausa also live in the African countries of Niger, Benin, Côte d’Ivoire, Cameroon, Chad, Ghana, Sudan, Togo, Gabon, Algeria, the Republic of Congo and Burkina Faso. Their primary language is Hausa. It is spoken by up to 150 million people, largely in Nigeria and Niger. But it can be heard throughout West Africa as a lingua franca, a common language used among people of various mother tongues.
The Hausa people are considered the largest ethnic group in Africa. Their language has spread because of long-distance trading as well as pilgrimages to the holy cities of Islam. This spread has solidified it as a language to be used in commerce.
Hausa lands are hostile to Christianity. Many who would come to Christ stay away out of fear for their lives. The harvest is ripe, but hundreds of them perish every day without being told about the love of Jesus Christ.
The intensity of the persecution of Christians in northern Nigeria, especially those who are Hausa, is increasing by the day. Hardships and pain are becoming the order of the day, and life is becoming meaningless and hopeless for many. Christians are losing their lives and properties daily. New converts are at risk of losing their lives or being subjected to severe torture until they denounce Christ.
Millions of Hausas in Nigeria have not been reached with the gospel of Jesus Christ. About 60% have never had any contact with any kind of Christian missionary.
Father, we ask for protection for believers in Nigeria, where the persecution and even the killing of Christians continues to take place. We pray that Hausa-speaking believers in Africa would be touched and renewed daily by your Word.

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