第十天 東南歐的波斯尼亞人──Day 10 The Bosnian people of southeastern Europe
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Day 10 The Bosnian people of southeastern Europe
Bosnians, those with historical roots in the nation of Bosnia and Herzegovina, are among Europe’s least evangelized peoples. And the past few decades have seen a sharp decline in the already small Christian population.
Three major ethnic and religious groups make up the people of Bosnia and Herzegovina—Bosniaks, Croats and Serbs—all sharing the same South Slavic ancestry. Within the nation itself, most Bosniaks identify as Sunni Muslims, Croats as Roman Catholic, and Serbs as Serbian Orthodox. Ethnicity and religion have always been bound together.
Another complexity is the language of the Bosnians. According to Britannica, ethnic and political affiliation determine the variety of Serbo-Croatian language spoken. However, these varieties of Serbian, Croatian and Bosnian languages are mutually intelligible within Bosnia and Herzegovina.
Influenced by both eastern and western cultures, Bosnia and Herzegovina has a rich heritage with strong values placed on hospitality, spontaneity and storytelling, Britannica reports. Yet, there are considerable cultural differences between urban and rural lifestyles.
Because of its geographic position between Serbia and Croatia and its multiethnic population, the country has been susceptible to nationalist disputes throughout history, Britannica says. As a nation with deep ethnic and religious divides, a large and growing Islamic presence, and an infrastructure still crippled by the effects of the 1992 – 1995 civil war, Bosnia and Herzegovina is arguably one of the toughest mission fields in Europe. During the war, instances of ethnic cleansing and genocide took place, and tensions between ethnic groups still exist. Many live with the pain of having lost loved ones in the war.
Bringing the good news to a Bosnian person is difficult from the human point of view as becoming a Christian is seen as changing one’s nationality. And giving up one’s ethnic background is equal to betrayal. However, through radio and other forms of media, Bosnians are hearing the gospel, even in remote rural areas.
Persecution toward Christians is a stark reality. Bosnians who profess faith in Jesus risk social pressure or even being banned from their families. Plus, there are few evangelical churches in the country, so loneliness adds to the difficulties they endure.
The small minority of Bosnian Christians struggle to gain access to churches and biblical teaching, and radio or digital Christian content is their primary source of encouragement and comfort.
I pray for Bosnian believers, dear Father, feeling lonely and isolated today. Surround them with your loving care and protection from the evil one. Put a new song into their hearts, praise to our God.
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