#1──《創世記》的創世記──The Genesis of Genesis
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在整個五經中,《創世記》是唯一一本涉及 「第一個世界」的書,即大洪水前的世界(antediluvian)23。在整個《創世記》中,前五章涉及到大洪水前世界的前1500年。但我們將重點關注的是作為這項工作的前提,也是《工作》的前提,即《創世記》第一章,甚至更具體地說,該章的前半部分。我們將詳細研究創造的前四天,最重要的是,第一天、第二天和第四天。
親愛的讀者,正是在這一點上,在你敏銳的頭腦深處的某個地方,你會受到誘惑,想回到目錄中去尋找「更有趣 」的東西──因為,像我們中的許多人一樣,我們以前已經讀過這些段落很多遍。讓我向你作出高度保證,你的時間不會白費。祈禱吧,繼續下去。它可能會豐富你,並給你帶來巨大的回報。
第一天開始,創造了光,並將其與黑暗分開。然後祂給它們貼上「白天和黑夜」的標籤。 24
第二天以創造穹蒼開始。從字面上看,這就是祂所創造的一切,除了給它命名。祂稱它為 穹蒼 (firmament),它是為了將上層水和下層水分開。因此,拉基亞 (Raqia) 是第二層天。天堂的最上面部分後來被稱為「第三層天」。25有第一層天(天空)、第二層天(穹蒼)和第三層天(上帝的寶座)。這些被稱為「天界」。這一點將在以後詳細討論。
第三天,上帝將地(陸地)與水底做了一些分離,並從地上造出一些新的東西,稱之為「旱地」──然後,祂繼續造出地上的每一種植物。 26
第四天,上帝創造了光。不要與「光」相混淆,因為這個科學概念不只是物品。這些微小的東西叫做「燈」是穹蒼內特定的物品,用來指示時間。上帝創造了兩個真正的大燈,專門用來保持時間。第一個是太陽,用來保持一天的時間。第二個是月亮,用來記錄星期和月份。在這兩樣東西之後,祂創造了「星星」來掌管季節。 27
這是對上帝創造的第一至第七天的快速和粗略分類。本書不涉及創造前世界的主題29,也不具體涉及亞當30和夏娃 (Ishshah)31,而是直接涉及第一至第四天,甚至更具體地涉及第一、二和四天。
20 JEPD模型 “顯示,摩西最有可能成為五經的候選人,即我們聖經的前五卷。
21 根據經文中列出的家譜,大約從公元前4000年到1450年,或多或少。
22 羅馬人稱他們為”Hebraios” – 古代希伯來人。一個遊牧的半人民族。
23 意思是說「洪水前」。
24 在希伯來語原文中,我沒有發現上帝創造了黑暗。它似乎已經駐紮在開始的時候,在第二節中,我們看到 「黑暗」籠罩著深淵的平面。
25 哥林多後書12:2「我認得一個在基督裡的人、他前十四年被提到第三層天上去.或在身內、我不知道.或在身外、我也不知道.只有 神知道。」這是聖經中這個詞的唯一用法,然而,它是一個被理解的概念,顯然不是保羅自己創造的,它存在於寫作期間以色列文化的社會動態中。
26我一直想知道水下植物的情況。希伯來語所用的字,不是 「旱地 」,而只是「大地」,所以,大地之上的水和之下的水,每一部分都被計算在內。
27 許多人對這種解釋不以為然,然而創世記1:14特別解釋了它們乃作為時間計算的用途。
28 被稱為。”Hadam” ָהָֽאָדָם֙, 創世記1:27
29 在第一天之前,我們發現這個大地是「虛空」和「黑暗」的。
30 從《聖經》的時間順序來看,人們可以推測,因為Hadam(人類)是在《創世記》第1章中被創造的,亞當(男人)是特意地從Hadam中被創造出來,且被安置在伊甸園中。
31 或者確切地說「女人」──當他們被逐出伊甸園時,亞當給她改名為「夏娃」(我繼承人的母親)。
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Part One: The Genesis Account
I: The Beginning──Chapter 1: The Genesis of Genesis
There is no better place to start our journey in finding out what the Word of God says than in Moses’s Genesis1 account of creation. The book is not only the beginning of the Bible, but it is part of a collection of five books that tells the story of the first 2,500 years of “His Story” (history.)2 The story is complete, chronological, and well organized. It focuses on a specific tribe of people3 and follows them to the author of the Pentateuch, namely, Moses. Much will be talked about in Genesis 1, so we will set our sights on it chiefly, giving a quick overview first, and then dive in deeper with each continuing chapter.
Of the whole of the first five books, the Pentateuch, the book of Genesis is the only book that deals with the “first world” that was antediluvian.4 Of the whole of Genesis, the first five chapters deal with the first 1,500 years of antediluvian world. But what we will focus in on as the premise to this work, is the premise to The Work, and that is namely Genesis chapter 1, even more specifically, the first half of that chapter. We will be looking at the first four days of creation in detail, and most importantly, day one, day two, and day four.
It is at this point, dearest reader, that somewhere deep in the recesses of your keen mind that you will be tempted to go back to the table of contents and find something “more interesting” – because, like many of us, we have read these passages many times before. Let me give you high assurances that your time will not be in vain. Pray, continue on. It may enrich you and reward you greatly.
Day One begins with the creation of the light, and the separation of it away from dark. He then labels them “Day and Night.”5
Day Two begins with the creation of the firmament. And that’s literally all He creates except name it. He called it “Raquia” and it was to divide the upper waters from the lower waters. So then Raquia is Heaven number two. The upper most part of heaven would later be called the “Third Heaven.”6 There is Heaven 1 (The Sky) Heaven 2 (Firmament) and Heaven 3 (God’s Throne). These are known as “The Heavenlies.” This shall be gone into detail later.
Day Three God did some separation of the earth (land) from the under waters and made something new from the earth and called it “Dry Land” – Then He proceeds to make every plant on the earth.7
Day Four God creates lights. Not to be confused with “Light”, for this scientific idea is not just the item. These tiny things called: “lights” are specific items inside of the firmament to tell time. God made two really big lights, specifically for keeping time. The first one was the Sun to keep the hours of the day. The second one was the Moon, to keep weeks and months. After these two things, He creates “Stars” to rule the seasons.8
To be exhaustive, just for a brief moment, let us find out what God did with the rest of His time. For it is precisely on Day Five that God creates all non-vegetated life in all the oceans, streams, seas and body of water on the earth. Then, He creates all the flying animals.
Day Six God makes all of the animals that live in and on and around earth that are not water or sky dwellers. Then He makes mankind.9 He blesses all of them and lets them take dominion over all of His creation.
Day Seven He rests from His creating.
This is a quick and rough breakdown of days one through seven of God’s creating. This book will not deal with the subjects of the pre-creation world10 nor will it deal with Adam11 and Ishshah,12 specifically, but will deal directly with days one through four, or even more specifically with days one, two, and four.
1 The “JEPD Model” shows that Moses is the most likely candidate for the Pentateuch, the first five books of our Bible.
2 Around 4000 BC to 1450, give or take, based on the genealogies listed within scripture.
3 Whom the Romans called: “Hebraios” – the ancient Hebrews. A nomadic semitic people.
4 Meaning: “Pre-Flood”
5 Nowhere in the original Hebrew text can I find that God created darkness. It appears to have already been residing in the beginning, in verse two, where we see “darkness” over the plane of the deep.
6 2 Corinthians 12:2 ESV “I know a man in Christ who fourteen years ago was caught up to the third heaven—whether in the body or out of the body I do not know, God knows.” This is the only usage of this term in the Bible, however, it is an understood idea that Paul obviously does not create on his own, and exists in the socio-dynamics of the culture of Israel during the time of this writing.
7 I’ve always wondered about underwater vegetation. The Hebrew word used is not the one for “Dry Land” but simply “Earth” again, so, every part of earth above and below water is accounted for.
8 Many people frown on this interpretation, yet Genesis 1:14 specifically explains their exact usage as timepieces.
9 Called: “Hadam” ָהָֽאָדָם֙, Genesis 1:27
10 Before Day One, we find that there was an earth but it was “void” and “dark.”
11 From the chronological Bible, one can surmise that because Hadam (Mankind) were created in Genesis 1, Adam (The Man) was created specifically away from the Hadam and placed in The Garden of Eden.
12 Or exactly: “Woman” – Adam would rename her “Eve” (The mother of my heirs) when they were expelled from the Garden of Eden.
──Biblical Cosmology by Pauly Hart
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