Thursday, February 6, 2025

Vine Media


#8──《智者的啟示》21-25──THE “REVELATION OF THE MAGI” 21-25



 當所有這些讚美被說出來並且被我們聽到時,我們感到恐懼和顫抖,像死人一樣倒在地上。那孩子是大光的後代,他用力地伸出右手,放在我們身上。他安慰我們,對我們說:「我的奧秘之子,不要害怕。對於從頭一天到今天為止所見所聞的所有這些事情,你都感到驚訝:即使那些 [ 所聽到的 ] 都不比我大,但對於你而言,它們卻是強大的,因為你穿著血肉之身。但對我來說,它們是很小的東西。因為由於你的虛弱,你無法看到或聽到我的天父與我在一起並賜予我屬於我的美好事物中的任何一件。但是,既然你已經被選召配得在此時看到和聽到這些東西,因此你會驚奇地發現奇妙的事物! 那就是你值得我以永遠愛愛你,你將歡欣聆聽這些現在無法言說的偉大事物。守望者和天使都無法談論這件事,因為這些事已經很久了。因此,和平起來來到受光的土地,因為祂認為你配得接受天上威嚴的完美光芒,並帶著喜悅的禮物來敬拜祂。看哪,你已經完成了父親所吩咐的一切,還被認為配得瞭解和學習古老的秘密,這些秘密是第一代人為你寫的。現在,瞧,你已經看到了奧秘的完成,並且你已經完成了為我的愛做見證和你的父親所吩咐的一切。再一次,你被認為配得在東方與我的門徒成為我的見證人,而我的門徒是在世界誕生之前由我選拔的。當我完成了父親的一切的旨意並榮耀升到天上時,我將把一些我為你的土地揀選的人送給你。他們要與你說話,見證真理,使你一心成為我的見證。因此,你們將和平共處。同樣,我從第一天就與你同在,所有的視野和跡像都與您同在。就像我在這裡看到的一切形式一樣。瞧,你為看到我的所有異象和形式感到驚訝 — 我也與聖潔的天父在一起,自從世界開始以來,我與我的意志就永遠不會與你分開,也永遠與天父同在,因為我是祂的光芒,我被祂差派給你來啟示你。而且,你真是一個脆弱的人類,當我在天父的威嚴下來到你身邊時,你會感到戰戰兢兢,以至於你不能站在我面前,當我降在你上方時,你上方的天使也無法施展(他們)能力,他們看到了奇幻的景象,站在恐懼和戰慄中,我也以適合他們的形式向他們顯現。而對於你,我也以你能夠看到的方式出現。因為威嚴的父在這個世界上沒有形像和形式。除了我將祂顯明,因為我是祂的意志、祂的能力和智慧,因為我在天父的裡面,天父在我的裡面。因為我能夠將上帝顯明,使全世界都可以認識祂。再者,正如智慧之子可以接受和聽到愛一樣,我原是賜予我的天父的威嚴。現在,我以人性化的形式出現在你們面前,以實現關於我的一切記載。由於你的先祖亞當犯罪的原因和愚蠢,這使你墮入了地獄,死亡對你具有統治力,而錯誤代代相傳,在你的世代中人人都是欺騙性的,並以其輕率的假設認為是牠主宰了你,你永遠成為牠的財產。再一次,我讓你們,你們的祖先,甚至你們那古老的民族,你的自由,都為你所瞭解,因為你是來自光明的種族。在世界、天堂、地球上造就了你,這並不是徒勞的,所有世界都是為了你而誕生的。而且,威嚴之父也因為這種愛而差遣了我,我以自己的形式穿好衣服,這樣我就可以終結並消滅所有困擾你和綁架你的人。我要把你獻給天父,在祂面前,作為純潔而完美的奉獻,因為你身上沒有錯誤的瑕疵。我將用愛、真理、純淨的水和聖靈使你得自由,從現在起,你將與親愛的兄弟和信徒一起,像沒有邪惡的污點的嬰兒一樣,侍奉我直到永遠。

因此,因為我是祂的旨意,祂將因喜悅、讚美和感恩而升起我,而你通過我可以升到天堂。 藉著我,你們將得到喜悅、救贖、聖靈的團契和永生,因為這一切都是完全的,沒有任何破口。 從一開始,在父的羽翼下,祂的能力、祂的智慧和祂的義將永遠成聖並憐憫你。」 再一次,從高處、從各個方向、從大地內部傳出一個聲音,回答說:「阿們!全人類都將因喜樂與和平之子獲得徹底的拯救!」


當我們從祂那裡得到救贖的誡命時,我們在祂的面前歡欣鼓舞、倍感欣喜,並讚美祂,我們的心充滿希望要回到我們的土地。約瑟和馬利亞,受人尊敬和祝福的人,與我們一同出去,他們被認為是配得的,並被稱呼為這個孩子的父母,並成為童女生子所預言的那個孩子的撫養者,以成就完全之父的充滿憐憫的意志。馬利亞成為大光之門,大光以恩典的救贖進入了世界,因為上帝以人的身體形式誕生了自己。她的名字永遠被全世界記住並獲得永遠的祝福。他們抬起眼睛,看到了祂的慈悲所生的光,在我們屋子裡,伴隨著我們。他們對我們說:「你來找我們,我們並不滿意。因你已經帶走了整個世界的光明和巨大的希望,並且你已經 [ 與他同在 ] 離開了我們。我們被認為是配得大恩典的,配得信賴的侍奉者,因為養育了我們房屋中出現的新生兒,現在,我們已經看到他與你同行。」




 當約瑟和馬利亞回頭為他們聽到的關於聖子的所有這些事情感到高興時,他們便回到家中。馬利亞進入屋內並發現了一個渾身發光的孩子,他喜樂地彰顯出他所有的榮耀、偉大和令人驚奇的奧秘,這些奧秘從 [ 遠古時代 ] 就傳遍了整個世界,如今,所有這些奧秘都得以實現。他得了榮耀,感謝他的父,祂派他去救贖他的世界。馬利亞和約瑟敬拜他,於是對他說:「我很高興看到救贖的寶庫,充滿榮光和聖潔的孩子,這是我的耳朵曾聽到過的。哦,我的聖潔主阿,求你開恩憐憫我,我為我在自己的房子裡找到了偉大寶貝而感到高興。我所親愛的主,我以為東方人帶著你對他們的熱愛把你帶走,以換取他們給你的禮物,因為我看到你的聖潔形式與他們同在。」


 他以謙卑而溫柔的聲音回答,對馬利亞說:「我的母親和養育者,願你平安,因為你被認為值得所有女子的祝福,因為你被認為是得救之聲的結晶。 由於你毫無疑惑地懷著愛心和信念接受我,你將獲得服侍的回報,並在各代人中得到祝福和紀念,在新世界中,你將獲得良好的回報。

而且由於你的緣故,夏娃和她的後代將擁有希望和得救,因為你已經使女人超越了生命之樹中的長矛。 從現在開始,你個人將永遠使世界獲得安寧與和平。 阿們! 因為出現在你家中的我已經實現了與我同在的天父的旨意,每個聽到我並相信我的人都會活下去。 可以看出,你已經完美地完成了自己的服侍,沒有任何缺陷,為此你將獲得豐厚的回報。 因此,我轉向全世界的所有弟兄們,使我可以完美地實現天父為我的信徒所吩咐我的一切,以便他們可以結出永恆救贖的果實。 我也要把他們天父的所有應許都給他們,我的信徒和所有相信我的人都將通過我實現,實現這一切應許。」




 And when all these praises were spoken and we heard, we were afraid and trembled, ad we fell upon the ground like dead men. And the child, the offspring of light, stretched out his right hand mightily and put it upon us. And he comforted us and said to us: “Sons of my mysteries, do not be afraid. For all these things that you have seen and heard from the first day until today, and at which you are amazed: even those ones that [you hear] are not greater than I am, but for you they are mighty because you are clothed in weak flesh, yet for me they are very small things. For because of your frailty, you are not able to see or hear a single one of the wonderful things that belong to me with the Father who sent me. But since you have been found worthy to see and hear these things at this time – and behold, you are amazed as wonderful things are in your sight! – again you shall be deemed worthy by my love, which is with you forever, to see and hear these great things that cannot be spoken now. And neither watchers nor angels are able to speak of the, because these things are very great eve nor them. Therefore, rise and go in peace to your light-receiving land, because you have been deemed worthy to receive the perfect light of the heavenly majesty, and to come and wor[1]ship it with your gifts in joy. Behold, you have completed everything that you were commanded by your fathers, and you have also been deemed worthy to know and learn the ancient hidden mysteries, which were written for you from the first generations. Now, behold, you have seen the completion of your mysteries, and you have completed everything that you have been commanded for my love and for my witness. And again, you have been deemed worthy to be witnesses for me in the East with my disciples, who were chosen by me before the world came to be. And when I have completed the will of my Father regarding everything that he commanded me and have ascended to him in glory, I shall send to you some of my chosen ones who have been chosen by me for your land. And they shall speak and witness the truth with you that it may be your seal with one accord. Therefore, rise and go in peace. Again, I am with you in all visions and signs, just as I am with you from the first day. For just as I am in sight and in all forms here – and behold, you are amazed by all the visions and forms in which you see me – I am also with the Father of majesty whose will I am since the world began, and I am never separated from you, nor from the presence of the father, because I am a ray of his light, and I was sent to you to enlighten you. And behold, you are amazed as frail human beings – how much more when I have come to you in the majesty of my Father. As for you not being able to stand before me, neither (could) the angels and powers that are above you when I descended upon them, and they saw a vision of wonders and stood in fear and trembling. Even as it was fitting for them I appeared to them, and for you I appeared as you were able to see. For the Father of majesty does not have an image and form in this world, except I who am an epiphany from him, since I am his will, and his power, and his wisdom, since I am in my Father and my Father is in me. And I am – as it is fitting for God to be seen and for the world to know him, and again, as the sons of wisdom can receive and hear with love – the majesty of the Father who sent me. And now I have appeared to you in the form of humanity to fulfill everything is written about me. Because of the reasons and the foolishness of your ancient father Adam’s sin, which became your downfall to Sheol, death has had authority over you, and error has reigned in deceit over your generations and has supposed in its rashness that it was lord over you and that you had become its property forever. And again, I have made known to you, your fathers, and even to that ancient race of yours, your freedom, because you are from the race of light. And it was not in vain that you were created in the world, and heaven, and earth, and all the worlds came into being for your sake. And also, the Father of majesty, because of this love, sent me, and I clothed myself in your form, that by it I might bring to an end and destroy all those who afflict you and your captors. And I shall offer you to the Father, before him as a pure and perfect offering, since there are no blemishes of error on you. And I shall set you free with love, and with truth, with pure water, and the birth of the Holy Spirit, and you shall be for me by love brothers and believers, like infants in whom there are no blemishes of evil, from now until forever.

Therefore, joy, and praises, and thanksgiving he will cause to go up from you in the heavenly heights from you through me, since I am his will. And joy, and redemption, and the fellowship of the Spirit, and eternal life shall be given to you through me, since everything is in agreement without divi[1]sion. As from the beginning under the wings of the Father will it be, his power, and his wisdom, and his righteous will sanctifying and having mercy upon you forever and ever. And again, a voice from on high, and from every direction, and from inside the earth was heard, which answered and said, Amen! ‘The will of complete salvation, joy and peace to all the worlds!”


 And when we received from him the commandments of salvation, we went forth from his presence in great joy, and much exultation, and with praise, our hearts being filled with great hope, to come to our land. And Joseph and Mary, honored and blessed people, went out with us, they who were deemed worthy and entrusted to be called by the name parents and to be upbringers for the offspring of the voice of virgin hearing and upbringers for the perfect will of complete mercy. Mary became the gate for the great light that entered the world in grace salvation for God giving birth to himself, who appeared in the bodily form of a human being. And there will be for her a name, and a memory, and a blessing forever and ever. And they lifted up their eyes and they saw the light that was born by his mercy in their house, which is with us and accompanies us. And they said to us: “We were not pleased by your coming to us. You have led away the light and the great hope of the whole world, and you have gone away [with him] and [have deprived us] of him. We were deemed worthy by great grace to be trusted to be attendants for it, for the upbringing of the body that appeared in our house, and now, behold, we have seen him going away with you.


We said to her: “O woman blessed among women, O blessed Mary, who was deemed worthy by mercy to receive the conception of the Spirit by your pure obedience and to bring forth the child of salvation of the eternal word, you were trusted and deemed worthy to be called mother for him. And now, behold, your glorious child is inside of you, and behold, he awaits you in the house, even while he is not separated from us, as he said to us, because he is the great gift of salvation that by your child was given to all the worlds. And the mystery that was hidden from the beginning in the Father of all has been revealed to us in your child. And the treasure of salvation has appeared which had been kept for all generations. This great gift and light of salvation is not yours alone, but is (for) all the heavenly and lower worlds. And lift up your eyes and see that he is in the entire creation and enlightens it all, and it is full of his glorious mysteries. And now he has appeared in the world in a body, and the forms with him are seen in every land, because he has been sent by his majesty for the salvation and redemption of every human being.


And when Joseph and Mary turned back, rejoicing about all these things that they had heard about the holy child, they went away to their house. And Mary entered and found the child of light laughing about and glorifying all his great and amazing mysteries, proclaimed in the entire world from [ancient times,] and behold, all of them are fulfilled in his appearance today. And he glorified and gave thanks to his Father who sent him for the redemption of his worlds. And Mary and Joseph worshiped him, and she said to him: “I have rejoiced that I have seen the treasury of salvation, and any light, and the holy child, who is the obedience of my ears. And O opener of my womb by [your] holy mercy, O Lord of my holy virginity, I have greatly rejoiced that I have found my great treasure in my house

where I gave birth and my great light, which exists forever. I had thought, O my beloved, that the Easterners were taking you, with your great love for them, in exchange for the gifts they offered to you from your own, since I saw your holy form going along with them.”


 And he answered in a sweet and humble voice and said to Mary: “Peace to you, my mother and upbringer, since you were deemed worthy to be blessed among women, since you were deemed worthy for the fruit of the voice of salvation. Since you accepted and conceived with love in your mind and with faith without doubt, you shall receive the reward of your service and shall have blessing and remembrance in all (the) generations, and in the new world you shall receive a good reward.

And because of you, Eve and her offspring will have hope and salvation, since by your person you have made her pass beyond the spear that fenced in the Tree of Life. And by your person tranquility and peace have happened for all the worlds from now on and forever. Amen! For I, who appeared in your house, have come to fulfill the will of the Father who went me, and everyone who hears me and believes shall live. For behold, you have perfectly accomplished your own service without a flaw, for which you shall receive a good recompense. Therefore, I am turning to all my brethren who are in the entire world, that I may perfectly fulfill everything that the Father commanded me for my believers, so that they may bring forth the fruits of eternal salvation. And I shall also give to them all the promises of my Father, which through me are fulfilled, and are given, and are accomplished for my believers and everyone who believes in me.”

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