Friday, September 13, 2024

Vine Media


#4──《智者的啟示》1-5──THE “REVELATION OF THE MAGI” 1-4



《智者的啟示》講述關於智者的啟示,關於他們來到耶路撒冷,關於他們帶給基督的禮物,是東方大國的國王、[ 國王的子孫 ] 所說的啟示和異象的記載,智者在那國語言中被稱為默禱者,是因為他們默默無聲地祈禱。他們在沉默和思想中向生命之主的崇高聖潔的榮耀和向聖潔而滿有榮光的天父祈禱。聖父被自己的大光所掩蓋,比所有的真理都更高遠、更聖潔。人類的語言無法像祂本人那樣談論他,除了祂所希望的,祂所希望的時候以及祂所希望的物件。而且無論是天上的語言還是地上的語言都無法表達出祂的威嚴,除非祂自己願意以適合的方式向世人揭示,使他們能夠得著祂賜下的聖潔的禮物,因為(祂的威嚴)是偉大的,他們無法述說出來。


因此,有一些智者,以地上的語言被稱為智者,是因為他們默默無聲地讚美神以祂的言語和意志成就了一切──是的,成就了所有存在和出現的東西,以及將要成就的一切。在祂的旨意之外,沒有任何東西存在,此外,沒有人會違背所有人之天父的旨意。智者和君王的名字如下:阿爾塔班的兒子紮哈旺達德; Sanatruq 的兒子 Hôrmizd;Gudaphar 的兒子 Auštazp;米魯格的兒子阿沙克;瓦德瓦德的兒子紮旺德; Kosrau 的兒子 Arǐhǒ;霍拉特(Hawǐlat)的兒子阿爾達希沙(Artahšišat); Šǐšrawan 的兒子 Aštanbǒzan; Humam 的兒子Mihruq;薩班的兒子阿希拉什;巴拉丹的兒子拿撒梅爾;Bǐl 的兒子 Merǒdak。這些君王是東方國王的兒子,生活在希爾(Shir)那片土地上,而希爾(Shir)是人類居住的整個世界的外部,在世界以外的浩瀚海洋,諾德(Nod)土地以東,這個地方居住著世界所有家庭的首領和酋長亞當。這些君王的兒子從父親那裡得到誡命、律法,甚至書籍。


賽特懷著一顆純潔的心領受了父親的誡命。父親給了塞特一本關於智慧的書,並教導他如何呼求耶和華的名,這是每一個尋求生命的靈魂的主。這本書首次在世界上出現,以《尊貴的人》的名字出版。賽特將這本書託付給他的後代,然後一直傳到挪亞,那是一本剛被發現並從水裡運出來的書。[以大洪水的名義]挪亞將這本書帶進 [ 方舟裡 ]。當他從方舟裡出來時,挪亞也將這誡命傳給了他後面的幾代人,這本書敘述了神的偉大事蹟,賽特的書中隱藏著關於天父的威嚴和所有奧秘的奧秘。這本書所記載的奧秘和誡命都被代代傳承下來,直到我們的祖先。他們欣喜地學習和領受,並將它們傳授給我們自己,我們也充滿愛意和戰兢,他們敬畏這書中的奧秘和誡命。我們默默祈禱、感謝和讚美,鞠躬屈膝,舉起手向天堂的高處,向一切生命所掩藏的威嚴之王敬拜。



「等著聖父賜下至高的東方所照耀的光,從聖殿高處所照耀的光。這光的形式是勝利山上的一顆星星,並藏在[隱藏的神秘之寶的洞穴]內的光柱上。並命令你的兒子,以及你的兒子們的兒子,直到高貴的威嚴照耀下的恆星之謎在你的後代中顯現出來,像星星一樣的光芒,照亮整個所造之物,甚至超過了太陽、月亮和其他一切星星的光芒,在這光的照耀下甚至都看不見它們。因為那是至高神之子的偉大奧秘,是父的聲音。祂榮耀的光芒;祂隱身的意願和形象;祂的思想無所不在,生命之源從祂的泉源開始就永無止境;在存在的任何事物中沒有相似性的圖像。這個世界的力量和言語被有序地建立起來,彰顯父的仁慈榮耀之光。」因此,要知道,當祂賜下無盡的光芒為您照耀,並像星星一樣出現在您面前,以便您能夠看到祂時:您一定充滿喜悅和愛心,充滿熱情地帶著您的父親的囑託將自己的純淨禮物從勝利之山送給祂,星星將您帶到祂的面前。您會看到一個巨大而令人驚奇的跡象,上帝以人類的身體形式出現,沒有佳形美容、貧窮、脆弱、虛弱、卑微,甚至十字架的跡像也出現在祂身上[參見《人的靈魂得救》(第 40 和 41 頁) ]。


盧道夫斯·德·薩克森尼亞的《三智者》,《人類的救贖》。女士 15,f.10r。牛皮紙。德國,約斯賓塞收藏。阿斯特基金會,萊諾克斯基金會和蒂爾登基金會。圖片來源:紐約公共圖書館 / 紐約藝術資源


我們從父親那裡得到了律法和誡命,並領受了所有的奧秘,並提 醒我們的兒子們:

「也許在您的日子裡,隨著我們從父親那裡得到的和學習的,這 顆星星的光將會發生。然後我們去了勝利之山,當我們從每個人的住 所聚集到山腳下時,我們每個月的第二十五天都呆在一個地方進行潔淨。我們沐浴在山腳下的某個水泉,它被稱為「淨化之泉」。上面立著七棵樹:橄欖,葡萄樹,桃金娘,[柏樹],柳丁樹,雪松和杜松。 那座山比我們土地上的所有山都更加美麗和令人嚮往,它散發出所有 甜香料的氣味,灑上的露水是一種甜味。當它成為本月的第一天時, 爬上山頂,站在隱秘寶藏洞口前。我們跪下來,跪在地上,向天伸出 手,我們默默地祈禱和朝拜那永遠無法估量和無限永恆的威嚴之父。在每個月的第三天,我們進入洞穴,前往寶藏,這些寶藏是為明亮晨 星準備的[禮物],目的是為了敬拜我們等待的光芒。

從啟示中我們讀到並聽到的是,當我們返回時,在歡樂中下山時, 我們對我們的兒子、我們的家庭以及每個熱愛學習的人講述並指示他 們。如果我們中的一個人去世,我們將撫養他的兒子或他的家人中的 一個(代替他),就像我們繼承祖先一樣,直到星辰降臨被實現為止。 我們還教了那個國家的人民,那些獻身於啟示之愛的人快樂地學習。 那些不願意學習和遠離幫助的人,是因為他們看到了我們安靜的生活方式,我們默默地祈禱,[我們]榮幸地對他們說了神秘的話。




About the revelation of the Magi, and about their coming to Jerusalem, and about the gifts that they brought to Christ. An account of the revelations and the visions, which the kings, [sons of kings,] of the great East spoke, who were called Magi in the language of that land because in silence, without a sound, they glorified and they prayed. And in silence and in the mind they glorified and prayed to the exalted and holy majesty of the Lord of life, to the holy and glorious Father, who is hidden by the great brightness of himself and is more lofty and holy than all reasoning. And the language of human beings is not able to speak about him as he is, except as he has wished, and when he has wished, and by means of whom he wishes. And neither his heavenly worlds nor the lower ones are able to speak about his majesty, except as it is fitting for the will of his majesty to reveal to the worlds so that they are able to partake from the gift of his majesty, because (his majesty) is great and they are not able to speak of it.


And so, there were those wise men, who were called Magi in the language of the land because in silence, without a sound, they praised the God of all, that one who, by his word and will, has come to be all that is, all that exists and arises, and all that is going to be. And there is nothing that exists outside of his will, and furthermore, there is no one who will stand against the will of the Father of all. The names of the wise men and kings were called as follows: Zaharwandad son of Artaban; Hôrmizd son of Sanatruq; Auštazp son of Gudaphar; Aršak son of Mihruq; Zarwand son of Wadwad; Arǐhǒ son of Kosrau; Artahšišat son of Hawǐlat; Aštanbǒzan son of Šǐšrawan; Mihruq son of Humam; Ahširaš son of Sahban; Nasardǐh son of Baladan; Merǒdak son of Bǐl. These are kings, sons of eastern kings, tin the land of Shir, which is the outer part of the entire East of the world inhabited by human beings, at the Ocean, the great sea beyond the world, east of the land of Nod, that place in which dwelt Adam, head and chief of all the families of the world. And these sons of kings received commandments, laws, and even books from their fathers.

And generation from generation, one by one, they received (them,) from the time of Seth, the son of our father Adam, because Adam revealed (them) to his son Seth when he had him. And Adam taught Seth about his prior greatness, before he transgressed against the commandment, and about his expulsion from Paradise. And he warned his son Seth not to transgress also against the (divine) justice as Adam (did).


And Seth received the commandment of his father with a pure heart, and he took care of the agreement and the gift of the exalted Lord of majesty. And it was given to Seth to set down in a book and to make known the wisdom, and to call upon the name of the LORD, the Lord of every soul who seeks after life. And from his a book appeared in the world for the first time, which was set down in the name of the Exalted One.

And Seth entrusted to his descendants the book that was set down, and it was transmitted up to Noah, that one who was found just and was delivered from the waters. And [in the name of the Deluge,] Noah [took] the books of commandments with him [in the Ark. And when] he came out of the Ark, Noah also commanded the generations after him, who recounted his great deeds and the hidden mysteries that are written in the books of Seth about the majesty of the Father and all the mysteries.

And the [books,] and the mysteries, and the speech were handed down in succession by tradition even until our fathers. And they learned and received with joy, and handed them down to us ourselves, and we also kept with love and fear they mysteries of the books and the secrets and the words. And we prayed in silence and gave thanks and glorified, bowing our knees and lifting our hands to the height of heaven, to the Lord of that majesty that is hidden from the eyes of everything that lives.


And those books of hidden mysteries were placed on the Mountain of Victories in the east of Shir, our country, in a cave, the Cave of Treasures of the Mysteries of the Life of Silence. And our fathers commanded us as they also received from their fathers, and they said to us: “Wait for the light that shines forth to you from the exalted East of the majesty of the Father, the light that shines forth from on high in the form of a star over the Mountain of Victories and comes to rest upon a pillar of light within the Cave of Treasures [of] Hidden Mysteries. And also command your sons, and your sons their sons, until the mystery of the star that shines forth from the exalted majesty appears to your generations, a light like a star, and giving light to the entire creation and obscuring the light of the sun, moon, and stars, and not one of them is seen or is able to stand in the presence of its light. For it is the great mystery of the Son of the exalted majesty, who is the voice of the Father; the off-spring of his hidden thought; the light of the ray of his glory; the will and image of his hiddenness; the all-en-gendering word of his thought; source of life never-failing from his spring; the all-governing word according to the will of the one who sent it; an image that has no form or likeness among any things that exist. This one, by whose power and word all the worlds were set in order and established, is the Son of perfect mercy, is the ray of light of the glory of the Father of ineffable majesty. Therefore, know that when his light from that majesty that has no end shines forth for you and will appear like a star to you so that you are able to see him: eagerly, with joy and love, and completely, with care, taking with you his own pure gifts, which were put in the Cave of Treasures of Hidden Mysteries on the Mountain of Victories by your fathers, go to where his light, the star leads you. And you will see a great and amazing sign, God appearing in the bodily form of a human being, unsightly, poor, imperfect, frail, lowly, even the sign of the cross appearing upon him [see Speculum Humanae Salvations on pages 40 and 41]. And you will go before him with love and joy, taking with you your gifts, and you will worship in the presence of the child, despised, poor, and killed. And you will offer him your gifts and you shall receive from him the blessing of salvation and shall partake with him in the joy, which, when he comes with his hidden glory, with his perfect divinity, with his perfect riches that do not pass away, with his new world, with his light that [text missing], with perfect salvation, which he will give to all [text missing]. Also, take care and command your sons. And if the coming of the light of the star does not happen in your days, also have your sons tell it to their sons, until the mysteries and revelations shall come to pass that are written about his coming.

The Three Magi, Speculum Humanae Salvationis, by Ludolfus de Saxonia. Ms.15, f.10r. Vellum. Germany, ca. 1410. Spencer Collection. Astor, Lenox and Tilden Foundations. Photo Credit : New York Public Library / Art Resource, NY


And we received the laws and commandments from our fathers, and we taught all the mysteries, and we reminded our sons: “Perhaps in your days the coming of the light of this star will happen, as we received and learned from our fathers. And we went up to the Mountain of Victories, and when we were all assembled at the foothills of the mountain from each one’s dwelling place, we remained in one place for purification on the twenty-fifth day of every month. And we bathed in a certain spring that was on the foothills of the mountain, and it is called “The Spring of Purification. And seven trees stood over it: an olive, a vine, a myrtle, [a cypress,] an orange, a cedar, and a juniper. And that mountain was altogether incomparably more beautiful and desirable than all the mountains in our land, and the smell of all sweet spices effused from it, and the dew that was sprinkled was a sweet smell. And when it became the first of the month, as ascended and went to the top of the mountain and stood before the mouth of the Cave of Treasures of Hidden Mysteries. And we knelt on our knees and stretched forth our hands to heaven, and we prayed and worshiped in silence, without a sound, to the Father of that heavenly majesty that is ineffable and infinite forever. On the third of the month we entered the cave up to the treasures, the treasures that were prepared as the star’s own [gifts] and for the adoration of that light that we awaited. And what we read and heard from the revelation, when we returned, descending in joy, we said to and instructed our sons, our families, and everyone who gave themselves with love to learn. And if it should chance that one of us should pass away, we would raise up his son or one of the sons of his family [in his place,] as when we succeeded our fathers, until the time of the coming of the star has been fulfilled. We also taught the people of that country, those who gave themselves to the love of revelation to learn with joy. And those who did not wish to learn and distanced themselves from help because they saw our quiet way of life, that we prayed in silence, [we] said our mysteries to them with honor.

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