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#32──地球──Planet Earth

English version at the bottom of this page


第三十二章 地球

我在一個經常邀請羅伯茨.利亞頓 (Roberts Liardon) 擔任客座牧師的教會長大,雖然我現在不同意他的神學,但在我還是個孩子的時候,這個人就很酷。我引用他的另一本書:「根據舊約所寫,第一層天是大地的大氣層;而『第二層天』通常被認為是太空,也是撒但和牠的惡魔們被趕出第三層天之後所居住的區域。根據聖經,第三層天是上帝居住之所在。」425現在,我甚至不知道我是否同意第二層天的解說,但第一和第三層天似乎是正統的說法。羅伯茨在他的書中甚至沒有說「行星」,只在結尾處提了一次,而我甚至要問:「什麼是行星?」

有關「行星」這字的真理,不管熱門網站會怎麼告訴你,但在聖經中只提到過一次:「是海裡的狂浪、湧出自己可恥的沫子來.是流蕩的星、有墨黑的幽暗為他們永遠存留。」426 猶大說的是那些沒有守住自己本位的天使,沒錯!魔鬼!行星是惡魔。”Πλανήτης “427──是「流浪」或這裡「流蕩」的意思。428 有趣的是──”planetes “的字根是 “πλανάω “或 “planao”,意思是「使人誤入歧途,使人流浪、受騙」429,”Planetes” 這字被使用了一次,而”Planao” 則被使用了39次──那就是行星有40次被用來描述為說謊者的例子了。有關經文中的「眾星」一詞是一個簡單的術語,使用了24次,意思就是:「星星」。 430

那麼,基督教的「地球」是從哪裡來的?除了羅馬天主教會的伽利略事件,以及嚴厲訓練的耶穌會士 (Jesuits),我們可以看看卡西尼 (Cassini),以及耶穌會士後來如何急於為他辯護的。但是,這並不重要,騙子就是騙子。哥白尼 (Copernicus)、開普勒 (Kepler) 和他們中的許多人對地靜力學 (Geostatic) 的科學持懷疑態度,他們改變他們的實驗以符合他們所預設的。為了使你對訛誤上帝的話語有更精確的描述,我建議你翻開任何現代公立學校的科學教科書,並查看:「天文學」(ASTRONOMY)──那你可能不會對你所發現的感到驚訝了。發起歐洲宗教改革的馬丁.路德寫道:「有一個新的占星家的談話,他想證明不是天空、太陽、月亮在轉動,乃是大地在移動和轉動著,就好像有人在一輛馬車或船上移動,他可能會認為是他坐著不動的,而行走和移動著的則是大地和樹木。現今的情況也是如此:當一個人想變得聰明,他就必須發明一些特別的東西,而他所做的方式也必須是最好的!愚昧人則想把整個天文學的藝術都顛倒過來,然而,猶如聖經所告訴我們的,被約書亞命令靜止不動的,是太陽而不是大地。」 431

路德定會對當今教會所教導的內容感到震驚:「我曾與幾位科學家討論過,當時太陽靜止不動的『約書亞的長日』(Joshua’s Long Day)──一般來說,(基督徒)科學家認為,是上帝減慢了地球的自轉速度──地球在圍繞太陽的軌道上是穩定的,但上帝放慢了它自轉的速度,以便有更長的白晝時間。」432 若這種胡言亂語是真的話,那麼我們怎麼解釋那時候地球為希西家向後退呢?

以賽亞書 38: 4-8
耶和華的話臨到以賽亞說、你去告訴希西家說、耶和華你祖大衛的 神如此說、我聽見了你的禱告、看見了你的眼淚、我必加增你十五年的壽數.並且我要救你和這城脫離亞述王的手、也要保護這城。我耶和華必成就我所說的、我先給你一個兆頭.就是叫亞哈斯的日晷、向前進的日影往後退十度.於是前進的日影、果然在日晷上往後退了十度。

列王紀下20: 8-11

似乎因為我們需要兩個或更多的證人433,我們就從聖經中得到了答案。大地不是一個星球、它不是天的一部分:「起初 神創造諸天和大地。」 434

創世記最初幾天的記載中沒有任何內容是絕對的,它是極其具體的──我們知道不止有一個天,因為它說:「諸天」;我們知道只有一個大地,因為它說:「這地」。但一個奇怪的事,是大多數人都忽略的事實,一個一旦你完全掌握了,就會讓你大吃一驚的事實… 那就是:大地不是諸天中的一部分!讓我們沉浸在這個事實中吧!大地… 這個我們稱之為家的美妙地方… 並不是浩瀚穹蒼的一部分,它是一個單獨的東西。僅僅這一點就告訴我們,我們不是在一個「流蕩的騙子」或「在宇宙中瘋狂旋轉的蒼白的藍點」上,因為如果大地不屬宇宙的一部分的話,那麼它在哪裡?如果大地不在諸天之上的話,它在哪裡?

卡爾.薩根 (Carl Sagan) 的《宇宙》(Cosmos) 的第一行是這樣說的:「宇宙現在是這樣、過去是這樣、將來也永遠是這樣。」哦,真可惜,人的大腦還沒有被神話語的水所洗滌,使他得以更新進入超自然的重生。哦,卡爾.薩根會把他的自我放在為他的罪而被釘在十字架上的那一位腳下。但遺憾的是,卡爾為敵人而生、而死,因他確實是上帝的敵人。約翰福音3:16a指出──”Οὕτως γὰρ ἠγάπησεν ὁ Θεὸς τὸν κόσμον, ὥστε τὸν Υἱὸν τὸν μονογενῆ δωκεν” 或翻譯為:「神愛宇宙,甚至將他的獨生子賜給他們。」


425 《我看見天堂》(I Saw Heaven) 羅伯茨.利亞頓 (Roberts Liardon)

426 猶大書 1:13

427Strong’s 4107


429Strong’s 4105

430ἀστήρ, aster, Strong’s 792 – 一顆星


432 亞歷克斯.麥克法蘭博士 (Dr. Alex McFarland),《探索話語》(Exploring the Word),AFR,星期三,2017年8月23日

433申命記 19:15──人無論犯甚麼罪、作甚麼惡、不可憑一個人的口作見證、總要憑兩三個人的口作見證、纔可定案。

434創世記1:1 幾乎所有的英文版本都是如此

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Part Four : Conclusions

Chapter 32: Planet Earth

I grew up in a church that regularly had Roberts Liardon as a guest minister, and although I don’t agree with his theology these days, the man was pretty cool back when I was a child. I will quote another of his books. “The first heaven is earth’s atmosphere, according to Old Testament writings. And the ‘second heavens,’ are generally considered to be space and the area where Satan and his demons have lived since being cast out of the third heaven. The third heaven is the place where God lives, according to scripture.”1 Now, I don’t even know if I agree with the second heaven explanation but the first and third seem legit. Roberts doesn’t really even say: “planet” in his book but once towards the end, but I have to even ask: “What’s a planet?”

The truth about the word: “Planet” despite what popular websites will tell you, is that it’s only mentioned once in the Bible. “They are wild waves of the sea, foaming up their own shame; wandering stars, for whom blackest darkness has been reserved forever.”2 Jude is talking about the Angels who did not keep their first estate. That’s right! Devils! Planets are devils. “Πλανήτης”3 is the word for “wandering” or “wanderer” here.4 It is interesting to note that the root word of “planétés” is “πλανάω” or “planaó” which means: “to lead astray, to cause to wander, to deceive”5 Planetes is used once and Planao is used 39 times. That’s 40 instances of planets being used to describe liars. The word “stars” in the verse in question is a simple term used 24 times and it simply means: “star.”6

So where did Christianity get “Planet Earth” from? Besides the Roman Catholic Church’s Galileo affair, and the harsh treatment by the Jesuits, we can look at Cassini and how the Jesuits later rushed to his defense. But, it matters not. Liars are liars.

Copernicus, Kepler and many of them treated the science of the Geostatic with skepticism, changing their experiments to match their presuppositions. For more of a precise definition to the corruption of God’s Word, I suggest that you turn to any modern day public school science textbook and look under: ASTRONOMY, and you may not be surprised at all with what you find. Martin Luther, who started the European Reformation writes: “There is talk of a new astrologer who wants to prove that the earth moves and goes around instead of the sky, the sun, the moon, just as if somebody were moving in a carriage or ship might hold that he was sitting still and at rest while the earth and the trees walked and moved. But that is how things are nowadays: when a man wishes to be clever he must needs invent something special, and the way he does it must needs be the best! The fool wants to turn the whole art of astronomy upside-down. However, as Holy Scripture tells us, so did Joshua bid the sun to stand still and not the earth.”7

Luther would have been aghast as to what is being taught in churches today. “I’ve talked to several scientists about Joshua’s Long Day when the sun stood still, and generally what (Christian) scientists believe is that the Lord slowed down the rotation of the earth. And the earth is stable in its orbit around the sun but God slowed down its rotation to allow for a longer period of daylight.”8 Talk about some hokum. If this were true, then how do we explain the time that the earth spun backwards for Hezekiah?

Isaiah 38: 4-8

Then came the word of YHVH to Isaiah, saying, Go, and say to Hezekiah, Thus says YHVH, the God of David thy father, I have heard thy prayer, I have seen thy tears: behold, I will add unto thy days fifteen years. And I will deliver you and this city out of the hand of the king of Assyria: and I will defend this city. And this shall be a sign unto you from YHVH, that YHVH will do this thing that he has spoken; Behold, I will bring again the shadow of the degrees, which is gone down in the sun dial of Ahaz, ten degrees backward. So the sun returned ten degrees, by which degrees it was gone down.

II Kings 20: 8-11

And Hezekiah said unto Isaiah, What shall be the sign that the YHVH will heal me, and that I shall go up into the house of YHVH the third day? And Isaiah said, This sign you will have of YHVH, that YHVH will do the thing that he has spoken: shall the shadow go forward ten degrees, or go back ten degrees? And Hezekiah answered, It is a light thing for the shadow to go down ten degrees: nay, but let the shadow return backward ten degrees. And Isaiah the prophet cried unto YHVH: and he brought the shadow ten degrees backward, by which it had gone down in the dial of Ahaz. Seems like since we need a witness of two or more,9 we have our answer from the Bible. The earth is not a planet. It is not part of the heavens. “In the beginning, God created the heavens and the earth.”10

Nothing in the first days account of Genesis is categorical. It is extremely specific. We know there is more than one heaven because it says: “heavens” and we know there is only one earth because it says: “the earth.” But the odd fact, the one that most people miss, the one that blows your mind once you fully grasp it… Is that the earth is not part of the heavens! Let that sink in! The earth… This wonderful place we call home… Is not part of the vast heavens. It is a separate thing. That alone tells us that we are not on a “wandering liar” or a “pale blue dot spinning wildly through the cosmos.” For if earth is not part of the cosmos, then where is it? Where is earth if it is not in the heavens?

The first lines of “Cosmos” by Carl Sagan state: “The Cosmos is all that is or ever was or ever will be.” Oh what a shame that man’s brain hasn’t been washed with the water of the Word of God to renew him to a state of the metaphysical reborn. Oh that Carl Sagan would have taken his ego and placed it at the feet of Him who was crucified for his sins. But alas, Carl lived and died serving the enemy, for indeed he was an enemy of God. John 3:16a states: “Οὕτως γὰρ ἠγάπησεν ὁ Θεὸς τὸν κόσμον, ὥστε τὸν Υἱὸν τὸν μονογενῆ ἔδωκεν” or in English: “God so loved the cosmos that He gave His only begotten Son.”

The heavens and earth are all the cosmos that there is. The heavens are above the earth. The earth is not part of the heavens. God loves earth and all of mankind that walk upon it. He so loved the whole of the cosmos that He gave His Son to it, so that everyone believing in Him would not perish but have eternal life.


1 I Saw Heaven, Roberts Liardon

2 Jude 1:13 BSB

3 Strong’s 4107

4 See Chapter 11 for more details.

5 Strong’s 4105

6 ἀστήρ, astér, Strong’s 792 – A star

7 Luther, Tischreden, 1566

8 Dr. Alex McFarland, Exploring the Word, AFR, Wednesday, August 23, 2017

9 Deuteronomy 19:15 (ASV) One witness shall not rise up against a man for any iniquity, or for any sin, in any sin that he sinneth: at the mouth of two witnesses, or at the mouth of three witnesses, shall a matter be established.

10 Genesis 1:1 Almost every entire version in English

──Biblical Cosmology by Pauly Hart
Permission for VineMedia to use

SUPPORT – Pauly Hart

Buy the book online: Biblical Cosmology Paperback


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EN English flat earth MONDAY MANNA 以色列 以色列新聞 你累了嗎 保捷 信仰見證 出埃及記 利未記 創世記 劉國偉 原文解經 國度禾場KHM 地平 地平論 天人之聲 天圓地方 天堂 奇妙的創造 妥拉 妥拉人生 市井心靈 平地球 張哈拿牧師 敬拜 智慧 梁永善牧師 民數記 清晨妥拉 漫畫事件簿 為以色列代禱 琴與爐 申命記 知識 研經課程 穹蒼 箴言 聖經宇宙學 蘇義德牧師 見證 週一嗎哪 陳芳齡 靈修