#18──哈馬伊姆──水──Hammayim – The Waters
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三、眾水:第十八章 哈馬伊姆──水
水往低處流,雨落下來。水總是尋找自己的水平並流入大海或多水所累積之處,它總想要去到其他水所在的聚集之地。這一點我們都知道,它就在那裡… 在海洋的地平線上…,但聖經是怎麼說的呢?
撒迦利亞在撒迦利亞書第14章中談到末世,水如何從耶路撒冷向西、向東均勻地流出,冬天不會結冰,耶和華的榮耀如日光一樣。「那日、必有活水從耶路撒冷出來、一半往東海流、一半往西海流.冬夏都是如此。」251 這似乎是在大災難期間和新天新地創造之前,正如啟示錄21章所提到的,海也不再有。不管新的大地將會是如何,我們卻知道今日在這個大地上,我們有海、有水,如果主回來耽延了的話,可能在我們有生之年內也還是會有的。我知道我這麼寫似乎很荒謬,但為了論證,我們必須確定我們在歷史上所處的時代。我們是生活在一個有海洋、河流、大洋、湖泊等的時代,但總會有那麼的一天,洋海和大海將不再有了。252
天使在啟示錄14:7中說:「要敬拜那創造天地、海洋和眾水泉源的那一位。」253我們也應該如此,因為祂與創世記 1 章中出現的那位聰明的設計者相同,祂創造了天使在這裡提到的東西。上帝,同樣的一位上帝,祂創造了眾水。全能的主神創造了水,這是顯而易見的,因為創世記的記載我們已經看過無數遍了,但為了後人的緣故,我們還是得再看一遍。創世記1:1-2宣稱:「起初 神創造天地。地是空虛混沌.淵面黑暗. 神的靈運行在水面上。」254 水似乎是一種未命名的物質,因為在創世記1:1中,它宣稱天地是被造的,但在第二節,上帝運行在水面上。那麼,水的創造在哪裡呢?我認為,原來水是天的一部分。第一層天是天空;第二層天是穹蒼及其榮耀;第三層天是水面和神的寶座…。當這些被創造時,它們是一團亂麻, 是以一種只有靈界才能應對的方式互相交流著。我們知道上帝是有秩序的,而不是混亂的255,所以祂著手為祂將要創造的整理好,好使其創造變得可行。祂知道人以居住在大地為主,因此,祂不得不把大部分的水聚在一處,祂就如此行了。把水分開的事可在創世記中看到──祂在大地之上安放了一個穹頂,把天以下的水和天以上的水分開了。
我們知道,在聖經中有多經文中都提到,旱地不是水的界限。約伯記38:8-11宣稱:「海水衝出,如出胎胞,那時誰將它關閉呢?是我用雲彩當海的衣服,用幽暗當包裹它的布,為它定界限,又安門和閂,說:你只可到這裡,不可越過;你狂傲的浪要到此止住。」256 約伯記再一次提到:「在水面的周圍劃出界限,直到光明黑暗的交界。」257 耶利米書5:22也談到這個界限:「耶和華說:你們怎麼不懼怕我呢?我以永遠的定例,用沙為海的界限,水不得越過。因此,你們在我面前還不戰兢麼?波浪雖然翻騰,卻不能逾越;雖然匉訇,卻不能過去。」
所羅門也不遑多讓,他多次在箴言──「智慧比喻 」(在JPS 塔納赫 (Tanakh—希伯來聖經) 第27-29節)中寫得很美:

起初水是覆蓋了整個大地,如今它們覆蓋了部分的地土。那當年和現在的區別在哪?我們生活在洪水過後的大地,不是一個盤古大陸,確實是有雨水從第一層天的中央降下來,正如祂曾應許挪亞的那樣發生了。260 水從天而降,聚集停留,再返回空中,形成新雨。這就是我們在大洪水之後的新系統。上帝說,水不再氾濫像祂在挪亞的日子那樣做。261 但與大洪水之前的日子不同,我們現今的地有豐富的水。因此,神創造了雨水和空氣的系統來更新大地。在大洪水之前,沒有下雨262,但大洪水之後,雨成了大地上水系統的一個組成部分。「然而為自己未嘗不顯出證據來、就如常施恩惠、從天降雨、賞賜豐年、叫你們飲食飽足、滿心喜樂。」 263 縱使雨水不是原始系統的一部分,但卻是上帝所創造的,所以,我們看到雨是好的。因為上帝造物的工在六天之內已經完畢了,在第七日歇了祂一切的工,但下雨的系統還沒被建立,然而下雨的可能性是有的。
被稱為「上面的水」也是上帝創造的一部分,它們在創世的第一天就以一個整體性被建立起來,並在創造的第二天藉著穹蒼,與穹蒼「以下的水」分開了。事實上,穹蒼是以羅欣.耶和華 (Elohim YHVH) 在第二天唯一創造的東西,而上下的水被分開,是這創造的結果。創世記 1:6-8:「神說、諸水之間要有空氣、將水分為上下。 神就造出空氣(穹蒼)、將空氣(穹蒼)以下的水、空氣(穹蒼)以上的水分開了.事就這樣成了。 神稱空氣(穹蒼)為天.有晚上、有早晨、是第二日。」 264
水──在聖經裡比比皆是,但遺憾的是,我們沒法詳細獲知自流泉 (artesian springs) 如何運作,但我們確實知道,通常稱為「活水」的淡水,常多次在聖經中被提及。自從我們初次聽見伊甸園時,河流早已存在了,在創世記 2:10 明確的提及四道河:比遜、基訓、希底結和伯拉河 (Pison, Gihon, Hiddekel, and Euphrates)。我們將在下一章中詳細討論這一點。
251 撒迦利亞書 14:8
252 「我又看見一個新天新地.因為先前的天地已經過去了.海也不再有了。」啟示錄21:1
253 啟示錄14:7b BSB
254 和合本翻譯
255 哥林多前書14:33—「因為 神不是叫人混亂、乃是叫人安靜。」
256 和合本翻譯
257 約伯記26:10
258 和合本翻譯
259 約伯記38:14 HCSB 「地被改變,如同泥土被封印;它的山丘突出,如同衣服的褶皺。」
260 創世記7:4, 創世記7:12
261 創世記9:11, 15
262 創世記2:5
263 使徒行傳14:17
264 和合本翻譯
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Part Two: The System of Visible Creation
III: Waters──Chapter 18: Hammayim – The Waters
Water flows downhill. Rain comes down. Water always seeks its own level and goes into the sea or body of water. It wants to get to where the other water is. We all know this. It’s right there… Horizontal on the ocean’s horizon… But what does the Bible say about it?
Zechariah speaks of the end of times in Zechariah 14, and how water will flow equally west and east out of Jerusalem and will not freeze during winter and how the glory of the Lord will be as the sunshine. “And it shall be in that day, that living waters shall go out from Jerusalem; half of them toward the former sea, and half of them toward the hinder sea: in summer and in winter shall it be.”1 This seems to be during the great tribulation and before the creation of the new earth, as mentioned in Revelation chapter 21, where there is no more sea.2 Whatever the case in the new earth, we know that in this earth, we have seas and waters today, and probably will during our lifetime, should the Lord tarry. I know it seems almost ridiculous to have to write this, but for the sake of argument, we must establish what epoch we are in, in history. We live during a time where there are seas, rivers, oceans, lakes and the like, but there will be a day where there are no longer any seas and oceans. The angel in Revelation 14:7 says: “Worship the One who made the heavens and the earth and the sea and the springs of waters.”3
As well we should, for He is the same intelligent designer that appears in Genesis 1, who creates what the angel mentions here. God, the same God, made all the waters. That the Lord God almighty made the waters is plainly seen, as we have already numerous times looked into the Genesis account, but, for the sake of posterity, we must look once again. Genesis 1:1-2 declares: “In the beginning, God created the heavens and the earth. The earth was without form and void, and darkness was over the face of the deep. And the Spirit of God was hovering over the face of the waters.”4 It seems that water was the substance unnamed, for in Genesis 1:1 it declares that heaven and earth were created, but in verse two, God is hovering over water. So where is the creation of water? I submit that originally, water is part of the heavens. That the first heaven, being sky, the second heaven, being the firmament and its glory, and the third heaven, being the overwaters and the throne of God…When these were created, they were a roiling mess, interacting with one another in a way that only the spirit world could cope with. We know God is a being of order and not chaos,5 so He set about to make things tidy and workable for the creation that He would make.
Knowing that man would primarily be a land dwelling sort, He had to put most of the waters somewhere, so He did, the separation can be seen in Genesis. He placed a dome over the land, dividing the underwaters from the overwaters.
We know that it is mentioned in many verses in scripture that the waters have boundaries that are not the dry land. Job 38:8-11 declares: “Who shut up the sea behind closed doors when it gushed forth from the womb, when I made the clouds it’s blanket and dense fog it’s swaddling cloth, when I made the breakers its boundary set its gates and bars, and said, ‘You may come this far, but no farther; here your proud waves must stop?’”6 Again in Job: “He has inscribed a circle on the surface of the waters at the boundary of light and darkness.”7 Jeremiah 5:22 talks about this boundary as well: “Fear ye not me? saith the LORD: will ye not tremble at my presence, which have placed the sand for the bound of the sea, by a perpetual decree, that it cannot pass it? and though the waves thereof toss themselves, yet can they not prevail; though they roar, yet can they not pass over it.”8
Not to be outdone, Solomon writes about it many times in Proverbs, in his “Wisdom Parable”, verses 27-29 are beautiful in the JPS Tanakh:
When He established the heavens, I was there;
When He set a circle upon the face of the deep,
When He made firm the skies above,
When the fountains of the deep showed their might,
When He gave to the sea His decree,
That the waters should not transgress His commandment,
When He appointed the foundations of the earth;
So wonderful is our Creator. No other god has created as the God of all gods has created. No other being has stretched forth his hand over the water and declared that the boundary would be: “thus and no farther.” The waters of the earth were created in a limited fashion, stretched out on the land, and not around a ball. The earth, shaped like a modern day button,9 is a circular shaped disc, with waters that encompass the middle. The outer edge is a frozen ring, that contains the unfrozen water inside. The ice ring (Antarctica) is a container, acting as a cup for the waters that are over the earth. There is a dome (The Firmament) set on the outer edge of the ice ring that projects upwards. This is the only time the First and Second Heaven meet – at the edge of the ice wall.

The waters covered the earth in the beginning as they partially cover the earth now. The difference from then and now? We live in a post-deluge earth, where there is not a Pangea and there is actually rain that comes down from the middle of the first heaven, just as He promised Noah, and it happened.10 The waters come down and they stay, then return to the air again, to form new rain. Such is our new system, post deluge. God said that He would not flood the earth again like He did in Noah’s day. 11 But unlike the days before the great deluge, we now have an abundance of water on the earth. Thus, God created the rains and the systems of the air to renew the earth. Before the deluge there was no rain12 but after the deluge, the rain was an integral part of the system of water upon the earth. “Nevertheless he left not himself without witness, in that he did good, and gave us rain from heaven, and fruitful seasons, filling our hearts with food and gladness.”13 So we see that rain is good, and is created from God, though not a part of the original system. The possibility of rain was there, for God did all of creation in six days and rested from creation on the seventh… But the system of rain had not been established.
The waters that are called the “overwaters” were also a part of the creation of God. They were established as a whole in the first day of creation, and separated out from the “underwaters” on the second day of creation with the firmament. As fact would have it, the only thing Elohim YHVH created on the second day was the firmament. The separation that occurred was an effect of the creation. Genesis 1:6-8: “And God said, Let there be a firmament in the midst of the waters, and let it divide the waters from the waters. And God made the firmament, and divided the waters which were under the firmament from the waters which were above the firmament: and it was so. And God called the firmament Heaven. And the evening and the morning were the second day.”14
Water is everywhere in the Bible, We are not given specifics about how artesian springs work, sadly, but we do know that fresh water, often called “living water” is spoken of many times in the Word. Rivers have existed since we first hear of Eden, in Genesis 2:10. Four rivers to be clear. Pison, Gihon, Hiddekel, and Euphrates. We will talk more about this in the next chapter.
1 Zechariah 14:8 KJV
2 “Then I saw a new heaven and a new earth. The first heaven and the first earth had disappeared, and there was no sea anymore.” Revelation 21:1 NCV
3 Revelation 14:7b BSB
5 1 Corinthians 14:33
7 Job 26:10 NASB
9 Job 38:14 HCSB “The earth is changed as clay is by a seal; its hills stand out like the folds of a garment.”
10 Genesis 7:4, Genesis 7:12
11 Genesis 9:11, 15
12 Genesis 2:5
13 Acts 14:17 KJV
14 KJV
──Biblical Cosmology by Pauly Hart
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