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#11──流蕩的騙子──Wandering Liars

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三、第四天:第十一章 流蕩的騙子

如果星星是由上帝創造的(並且是為了祂的快樂),那麼什麼是行星、小行星和彗星?天空中肯定不止有星星?我們可以從聖經中看到這些例子中的幾個,但人們沒有意識到我們在談論行星和它們的親屬,因為名稱隨著時間的推移已經改變。縱觀歷史,語言被修改或翻譯得不同。例如,太陽在拉丁語中是 “Sun”,但在希臘語中是 “Helios”。在希伯來語中,正如我們所發現的,它是 “Shemech”,與更古老的迦南語 (Canaanite) 和阿卡德語 (Akkad) 是表親關係。”Shapash “和 “Shamash”。這些古代語言中最不同的是蘇美爾語 (Sumerian),在那裡它是”Utu”。

水星、金星、火星、木星、土星、以及彗星,都是在聖經中被提及的。猶大書中引用經外文《以諾書》,告訴我們行星是「流蕩的騙子」137。更準確地說, 猶大用的是希臘文 “Planetai ” 這個詞138,它促使別人偏離上帝話語的良好教義。如果要相信猶大和以諾的話,那麼行星就不能相信了,只有星星才值得信任。當保羅和巴拿巴在火星山(譯者註:Mars hill – 或路司得)上傳道時,他們相信巴拿巴是木星(譯者註:羅馬人認為木星 Jupiter 相當於希臘的宙斯或丟斯 Zeus),保羅是水星(譯者註:羅馬人認為水星 Mercury 相當於希臘希耳米 Hermes),因為他們在眾人面前展現了超自然的奇蹟和神蹟。139可以肯定的是,眾人相信他們是神明,因為他們認為行星是神明,比神小,但仍是很強大的。以賽亞書中也提到水星 (Mercury) 是「尼波」 (Nebo) 140,也被認為是個神明。談到火星 (Mars),列王紀下 17:30 提到它的名字是 「匿甲」(Nergal),有許多關於他的故事被記載。新舊約中都提到了土星 (Saturn),阿摩司書5:26提到了摩洛神 (Moloch) 和基奧恩 (Chiun),指的就是土星。使徒行傳7:43中提到的理番神 (Rephan) 可能也是在說土星。

所提到的最突出的流蕩的星是金星。在新約中出現了三次,在舊約中出現了一次。在我看來,這是所有研究中最令人困惑的,因為我不得不打破「晨星」就是「撒旦」的認知偏差。普林尼 (Pliny) 告訴我們當金星在太陽之前時,它被稱為「路西法」(Lucifer),當它在太陽之後時,它被稱為「黃昏」(Vesper)141 普利尼 (Pliny) 還稱土星為最大的星星。142 奇怪的是,啟示者約翰寫道,那些在基督裡得勝的人,將得金星作為產業。143這很可能是一種隱喻(就像啟示錄的大部分內容一樣),意思是基督將高舉那些與祂一起的人,就像晨星被提升到太陽一樣。彼得後書似乎呼應了這一點(或者相反),他說:「我們並有先知更確的預言、如同燈照在暗處.你們在這預言上留意、直等到天發亮晨星在你們心裡出現的時候、才是好的。」144「晨星」是上帝神性比喻的代表,似乎比住在我們身體裡的星星或行星更有意義,或者甚至路西法會住在我們裡面。這確實是最糟糕的異端。

那麼,我們該如何理解以賽亞書14:12?正確的解釋在於希伯來文的正確翻譯:「明亮之星、早晨之子阿、你何竟從天墜落.你這攻敗列國的、何竟被砍倒在地上。」英皇欽定本聖經 (KJV) 中「路西法」來自希伯來文的「哈拉爾」(Halal),「早晨之子」來自「本.沙哈爾」(希伯來語 ben-shachar)──這有一半的正確。「早晨之子」是正確的,那是一種字面的解釋,為他們點個讚。但以賽亞書的整段經文對其所指的人非常嚴格。第1和第2節說的是以色列,第3-23節說的是巴比倫,第24-27節說的是亞述,第28-32節說的是非利士。為什麼會突然說到撒旦呢?

在聖經研究中,有一個「詮釋學」的分支,叫做:「雙重引用定律」,這就是我們在聖經中同時看到兩件事情的發生。145 這方面的許多例子多存在於聖經的預言書中。基督以約拿故事的形式提到祂的死亡、埋葬和復活。146 當祂開始傳道時,祂又以以賽亞書所描述的作為例子 。147 因此,有了這兩個來自基督自己的例子,我們可以肯定,這是聖經中的一項強有力的律法。已實現的預言有時具有隱藏的意義。這就是我認為在以賽亞書14章中所發生的事情。是的,我們談論的是強大的巴比倫帝國,但以賽亞(藉著聖靈的膏抹)寫了一個關於撒但從第三層天墜落到地的總結。「路西法」這個詞在這裡是任意的,因為它是一個拉丁名字,意思是「金星,當它在太陽之前升起時」。這個名字沒有什麼陰險之處,儘管其他人咆哮著說。

讓我們回到我們的研究上來。普利尼 (Pliny) 描述說,在尼祿統治時期,人們看到了哈雷彗星。如果我們把時間往後推,我們會看到哈雷彗星 (Halley’s comet) 的另一個例子。「他們聽見王的話、就去了.在東方所看見的那星、忽然在他們前頭行、直行到小孩子的地方、就在上頭停住了。他們看見那星、就大大的歡喜。 」148 意識到尼祿和基督在世時相隔約75年,而這正是哈雷彗星來去的時間,這是否太奇怪了?中國的天文學家在公元前12年的8月至10月記錄了它 149,而在公元66年又記錄了它。對我來說不需要其他解釋,因為奧卡姆剃刀(譯者註:Occam’s Razor – 奧卡姆剃刀是一種理論構建或評價的原則,根據該原則,在其他條件相同的情況下,假設實體較少或實體種類較少的解釋優先於假設較多的解釋)表明這是最合適的解釋。很多人對這個時間差感到困惑,直到他們意識到,當智者 (Magi) 人找到耶穌時,祂已經是個小男孩了。150 大衛可能看到了哈雷彗星,或另一顆彗星,在歷代志上21:16 中,大衛面伏於地敬拜它,驚怕它是上帝的使者。 151

那麼什麼是行星?彗星又是什麼?它們是 「主的天使」嗎?他們是「流蕩的騙子」,還是僅僅是舊約中多次提到「天上的使者」的另一種。是的、是的、是的。約伯記38:7152 宣稱他們歡呼雀躍,啟示錄1: 20 完美地告訴我們他們是天使。153 甚至在以諾一書中,我們也被告知他們就是這樣的。154 不管你喜不喜歡,當《聖經》談到「天上的使者」時,它包括了太陽、月亮、星星和這些流蕩的星,稱之為行星和彗星

137 猶大書1:13 「是海裡的狂浪、湧出自己可恥的沫子來.是流蕩的星、有墨黑的幽暗為他們永遠存留。」

138πλανῆται,Strong’s 4107:一個流浪的星,一個假教師,一個流浪者。

139 使徒行傳14:11-12

140 以賽亞書 46:1

141 普林尼《自然史》,2.36-38

142 同上,37

143 啟示錄2:28:「我又要把晨星賜給他。」

144 彼得後書1:19

145 見本書第10章中的圖例。

146 馬太福音12:40

147 以賽亞書61:1,路加福音4:18

148 馬太福音2:9-10

149 漢書

150 來自馬太福音2:9。「小男孩」παιδίον,「payion」的意思—小的,小的,孩子。

151 KJV 「大衛舉目一看,見耶和華的使者站在天地之間,手裡拿著拔出來的劍伸向耶路撒冷。於是,大衛和以色列的長老,就是身穿麻布的人,都俯伏在地。」

152 「那時晨星一同歌唱、 神的眾子也都歡呼。」

153 「論到你所看見在我右手中的七星、和七個金燈臺的奧秘.那七星就是七個教會的使者.七燈臺就是七個教會。」

154  以諾18:12-16;20:4

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Part One: The Genesis Account

III: Fourth Day──Chapter 11: Wandering Liars

If the stars are created by God (and for His pleasure) then what are planets, and asteroids, and comets? Surely there are more than just stars in the sky? We can see several of these examples from the Word, but people do not realize that we are talking of planets and their kin, because the names have changed over time.

Throughout history, the languages have been modified or translated differently. For example, the sun is “Sun” in latin, but “Helios” in Greek. In Hebrew, as we have found, it is “Shemech” which is a cousin to the even more ancient Canaanite and Akkad: “Shapash” and “Shamash.” The majority difference in these ancient languages is Sumerian, where it is “Utu.”

Mercury, Venus, Mars, Jupiter, and Saturn, as well as comets, are all mentioned in the Word. The book of Jude, citing the extra- scriptural text 1 Enoch, tells us that planets are “wandering liars.”1 To be more precise, Jude uses the word in Greek, “Planetai”2 who prompts others to stray from the good doctrine of God’s word. If Jude and Enoch are to be believed, then planets are not to be believed and only stars are to be trusted. When Paul and Barnabas were preaching on Mars hill they believed Barnabas to be Jupiter, and Paul to be Mercury… Because they exemplified supernatural wonders and signs in their presence.3 Assuredly they believed them to be gods, as they thought the planets were gods, lesser than God, but powerful nonetheless. Mercury is also mentioned in Isaiah as “Nebo”4 and was also considered to be a god. Speaking also of Mars, 2 Kings 17:30 mentions it by the name “Nergal,” of whom many stories are written. Saturn is mentioned in both the old and new testaments. Amos 5:26 talks of Moloch and Chiun, in reference to Saturn. The star of Rephan mentioned in Acts 7:43 was probably talking of Saturn as well.

The most prominent wandering star mentioned is Venus. Appearing three times in the New Testament and once in the Old. This is the most confusing of all studies in my opinion, because I have had to break the cognitive dissonance where “The Morning Star” is “Satan.” Pliny tells us that when Venus precedes the sun, it is called “Lucifer” and when it follows after the sun, it is called: “Vesper.”5 Pliny also calls Saturn the largest star.6 It is strange that John the Revelator writes that those who conquer in Christ will receive Venus as their inheritance.7 Most probably this is metaphorical (as is much of Revelation) to mean that Christ will exalt those with Him, as the morning star is exalted to the sun. 2 Peter seems to echo this (or the other way around) when he says “And we have the more certain prophetic word, to which you do well taking heed, as to a lamp shining in a dark place, until this day shall have dawned and the morning star shall have arisen in your hearts.”8 That “The morning star” is an allegorical representation of God’s divinity seems to make much more sense than a star or a planet living in our physical body… Or even that Lucifer would take up residence in us. This would be the most grievous heresy indeed.

So what then, are we to make of Isaiah 14:12? The correct interpretation lies in the correct translation from the Hebrew. “How art thou fallen from heaven, O Lucifer, son of the morning! How art thou cut down to the ground, which didst weaken the nations!” reads the KJV, reading “Lucifer” from “Halal” in Hebrew and “Son of the morning” from “ben- shachar” – which is half correct. Son of the morning is correct. That’s a literal interpretation, kudos on them. But the entire passage of Isaiah is very strict about who it refers to. Verses 1 and 2 talk of Israel, verses 3-23 talk of Babylon, verses 24-27 talk of Assyria, and verses 28-32 talk of Philistia. Why would we suddenly be referring to Satan?

There is, in Bible study, a branch of “Hermeneutics” called: “The law of double reference.” This is where we see two things happening at once in Scripture.9 Many examples of this lay in the prophetic books of the Bible. Christ used one of Himself when referring to His death, burial and resurrection in the form of the story of Jonah.10 He did it again from the book of Isaiah when He began His ministry.11 So with these two examples from Christ Himself, we are sure that it is a strong law in Scripture. Fulfilled prophecy sometimes has a hidden meaning. This is what I believe is happening here in Isaiah 14. Yes, we are talking about the mighty empire of Babylon, but Isaiah (thru the unction of the Holy Spirit) writes a summary of the falling of Satan to earth, from the third heaven. The word: “Lucifer” is arbitrary here, as it is a Latin name, meaning “Venus, when it rises before the sun.” Nothing sinister about the name, despite what others rant and rave about.

Let us get back to our study. Pliny describes that, during the reign of Nero, Halley’s comet was seen. If we go backwards in time, we see another instance of Halley’s comet. “When they had heard the king, they departed; and, lo, the star, which they saw in the east, went before them, till it came and stood over where the young child was. When they saw the star, they rejoiced with exceeding great joy.”12 Is it too strange to realize that Nero and Christ were alive about 75 years apart, and this is the time of the coming and going of Halley’s comet? Chinese astronomers recorded it from August to October in 12 BC,13 and it was again recorded in 66 AD. There is no other explanation needed for me, as Occam’s Razor indicates that this is the most suitable explanation. A lot of people balk at the time difference until they realize that Jesus was already a young boy when the Magi found Him.14 David may have seen Halley’s comet, or another comet, in 1 Chronicles 21:16 and he fell down and worshiped it, fearing it was an angel of God.15

What are planets then? And what are comets? Are they “Angels of the Lord?” Are they “Wandering Liars” or are they simply another part of the “Host of Heaven” that is mentioned so many times in the Old Testament. Yes, yes, and Yes. Job 38:716 declares them to shout for joy, and Revelation 1:20 tells us perfectly that they are angels.17 Even in 1st Enoch, we are told that they are such.18 Like it or not, when the Bible talks of the “Host of heaven” it includes Sun, Moon, Stars, and these wandering stars, called Planets and comets.


1 Jude 1:13

2 πλανῆται, Strong’s 4107: A wandering star, a false teacher, a wanderer.

3 Acts 14:11-12

4 Isaiah 46:1

5 Pliny Natural Histories, 2.36-38

6 Ibid, 37

7 Revelation 2:28 “I will give him the morning star”

8 2 Peter 1:19, BLB

9 See the figs example in chapter 10 of this book.

10 Matthew 12:40

11 Isaiah 61:1, Luke 4:18

12 Matthew 2:9-10 KJV

13 Book of Han

14 From Matthew 2:9: “young boy” παιδίον, “paidion” meaning: “little one, a little child, child”

15 KJV “And David lifted up his eyes, and saw the angel of the LORD stand between the earth and the heaven, having a drawn sword in his hand stretched out over Jerusalem. Then David and the elders of Israel, who were clothed in sackcloth, fell upon their faces.”

16 ESV “when the morning stars sang together and all the sons of God shouted for joy?”

17 ESV “As for the mystery of the seven stars that you saw in my right hand, and the seven golden lampstands, the seven stars are the angels of the seven churches, and the seven lampstands are the seven churches.”

18  Enoch 18:12-16; 20:4

──Biblical Cosmology by Pauly Hart
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EN English flat earth MONDAY MANNA 以色列 以色列新聞 你累了嗎 保捷 信仰見證 出埃及記 利未記 創世記 劉國偉 原文解經 國度禾場KHM 地平 地平論 天人之聲 天堂 奇妙的創造 妥拉 妥拉人生 市井心靈 平地球 張哈拿牧師 敬拜 智慧 梁永善牧師 民數記 清晨妥拉 漫畫事件簿 為以色列代禱 琴與爐 申命記 知識 研經課程 穹蒼 箴言 聖經 聖經宇宙學 蘇義德牧師 見證 週一嗎哪 陳芳齡 靈修