#10──星光閃耀,星光燦爛──Starlight, Starbright
English version at the bottom of this page
三、第四天:第十章 星光閃耀,星光燦爛
星星預示著上帝的榮耀。至少對來自東方的智者 (Magi) 來說是這樣的。123 這是一個預言的實現,不僅是對12位智者,而且對我們也是如此。大衛寫道:「諸天述說 神的榮耀.穹蒼傳揚他的手段。」124星星,天上所有的使者都在宣告著上帝的輝煌與威嚴。這的確是令人驚歎的事。在我看來,那些沒有看過的人,並不瞭解真正的美。125但這是一個極其偏頗的觀點,我很肯定你可以運用你的想像力,盡你所能地看到它。然而,我想說的是,整個宇宙、 可見的穹蒼、以及穹蒼下的天空都是耶和華為祂的喜悅而創造的。 126所有「可見的」和「不可見的」東西都是由祂創造的:天、地、能力、力量、統治者和權柄。 127
本書的目的並不是要對某些關於靈性生命屬性的教義進行過多的冒險,但對星星的工作卻可以說得更多一點。有許多舊約書卷曾涉及到它們,但129我們將主要遵守《聖經》中的七十本書。130以賽亞要求我們 「你們向上舉目、看誰創造這萬象、按數目領出、他一一稱其名.因他的權能、又因他的大能大力、連一個都不缺。」131主確實是它們的創造者,並給它們全部命名和編號,在祂的軍中,它們是祂的僕人。
上帝從旋風中問約伯:「你能繫住昴星的結麼、能解開參星的帶麼。你能按時領出十二宮麼、能引導北斗和隨他的眾星麼.你知道天的定例麼、能使地歸在天的權下麼。」132 除了上帝和靠上帝賦予它們的能力之外,無人可掌管它們。有一天,祂將把它們給挪走:「天上的星辰墜落於地、如同無花果樹被大風搖動、落下未熟的果子一樣。」133 這就是神的能力:創造與毀滅。我相信約翰看到這個偉大的事件時,就會想起耶穌詛咒無花果樹的情景。134 這是神的目的,按祂的意旨而行。星星也同樣重要,也同樣易於被祂的話引出或甩掉。使星辰聽命的能力,完全在祂神性的無所不能的能力範圍之內。在馬太福音28:18中,耶穌說:「天上地下所有的權柄、都賜給我了。」如果創造萬物的上帝有創造的能力,祂能領出、使星辰墜落,對我們來說,又會是怎樣呢?我們是否不應該讓祂來問我們,如同祂問約伯那樣:「是誰做的?」這當然是祂,也只有祂。
在我們紀念上帝的全能時,讓我們不要忘記《啟示錄》。天上的星星被摔在地上──這當然是一種超自然的氣象現象。現代天文學家會告訴你,天上所有的群星衝向地球時,肯定會使銀河系崩潰。而這僅僅是一個星系,那麼在此星系群中的其他星系呢?或宇宙中的群呢?多元宇宙中的其他宇宙呢? 從現代偽科學告訴我們的情況來看,《聖經》肯定是一個比喻。今天,天體物理學家們大肆嘲弄上帝的話語。他們也應該如此。他們追隨謊言之父和牠對他們心思上的計劃。我確實地相信在他們當中是有誠實的神人,但他們已經被蒙蔽了。他們是偉大的父親和母親,他們去教堂,施予窮人,但他們的訓練使他們遠離了上帝之手的真理。謊言和灌輸使他們脫離了「神的話」,成了老生常談的「神明的話」──為此,我不住流淚、祈禱他們能在神的話語中找到希望和真理。 他們就像西番雅書第一章的預言所說的,是敬拜天上萬象的人,上帝會挪開保護他們的手,並伸出祂審判的手。這不是我說的,乃是聖經本身。 135
我個人感到悲哀的是,我的叔叔也是其中的一份子。我的叔叔麥克斯韋.哈特 (Maxwell Hart) 是《運動統一》(Motion Unification) 一書的作者,他詳細討論了與神的話語直接相反的問題,儘管他、我的姑姑和我的父親都是由同樣敬畏神的父母所撫養長大的。特別是我的祖母,她熱愛神的話語,並培養她的兒女們要尊重和熱愛神的話語。不幸的是,麥克斯叔叔拒絕了神的話語,用人文主義的後現代謬論取代了神的科學的整體性。 136
123 完整的故事見馬太福音第二章。
124 詩篇 19:1
125 小時候,我在堪薩斯州西北部的沙漠中度過夏天,那時的光污染在Bortle等級中還是一級。看到如此巨大的整個銀河系,讓我永遠難忘。
126 啟示錄4:11 KJV “主啊,你配得榮耀、尊貴、權柄,因為你創造了萬物,它們是
127 歌羅西書1:16 CEV “萬物都是他創造的,天上地下,凡是看得見的,看不見的, 包括一切勢力,一切官長,一切權柄。萬物都是神的兒子創造的,萬物都是為他造的。”
128 閱讀:”Cosmos “或Strong’s 2889。”Kosmos”(κόσμος),有序的世界,宇宙,所有的世界,世界的面貌。
129更多信息 見《聖經》外文本《第一以諾》(通常稱為:”以諾書”)和《雅捨書》。
130 見本書的《簡介》。
131 以賽亞書 40:26
132 約伯記38:31-33
133 啟示錄 6:13
134 整個令人敬畏的故事,見馬可福音第11章。
135 申命記4:19,申命記17:3,歷代志下33:5,列王紀下17:16,列王紀下21:3-5,列王紀下23:4-5,以賽亞書47:13,但以理書4:7,耶利米書8:2,耶利米書19:12-13,阿摩司書5:25-27,西番雅書1:4-5,徒7:42、43
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Part One: The Genesis Account
III: Fourth Day──Chapter 10: Starlight, Starbright
The stars foretell of the glory of God. At least they did to the Magi from the east.1 This was a prophecy fulfilment, not just to the 12 Magi, but to us as well. David writes: “The heavens proclaim the glory of God. The skies display his craftsmanship.”2 The stars, the entire host of the heavens declare the splendor and the majesty of God. It is indeed marvelous to behold. In my opinion, those who have not, have not known true beauty.3 But that is an extremely biased opinion and I am quite sure you could employ your imagination to see it as best you can. However, I digress. The entire cosmos, the visible firmament, and the sky under it was made by YHVH for His pleasure. 4 All things visible and invisible were created by Him: heavens, earth, powers, forces, rulers, and authorities.5
Certainly I do not now wish to delve into the forces of density, or buoyancy, or even what we know as gravity. And this is not the place to spouse my views on angelology. My point is that the forces that God put into existence, He did so for His pleasure.
This is both the seen and the unseen world. The stars, some of which cannot be seen by the naked eye, I would still classify in the seen universe, (as they are possible to be seen) and I would place the unseen universe into three divisions: The laws of the properties of the seen universe, the unseen sentient spiritual world, and the unseen world with properties like unto the physical world. More time will be given to this in a later chapter, but it is worth pointing out now that all the unseen universe6 is not just angels and the third heavenly realm with God on his throne. There is much more to it than that. Stars, and the whole host of heavens, are God’s handiwork. They shine for Him. By Him they were made, and they worship Him as is their duty. It is not the goal of this book to venture too far into certain teachings on the properties of spiritual beings, but more could be said to the jobs of stars.7 There are many deuterocanonical books that address them, but we will primarily adhere to the canonized seventy books of the Bible.8 We are asked by Isaiah to “Look up at the sky! Who created the stars you see? The one who leads them out like an army, he knows how many there are and calls each one by name! His power is so great–not one of them is ever missing!”9 The Lord indeed is their creator, and has them all named and numbered. They are His servants, in His host.
Job is asked by God out of a tornado: “Can you bind the cluster of the Pleiades, or loosen the cords of Orion? Can you lead forth the constellations in their season? Or can you guide the Bear with her cubs? Do you know the laws of the heavens? Can you establish its dominion over the earth?”10 No one is in charge of them except God and themselves, only by the power that He gave them. One day, He will remove them. “…and the stars of the heaven fell unto the earth, as a fig tree casteth her unripe figs when she is shaken of a great wind.”11 This is the power of God: To create and to destroy. I am sure John, seeing this great event, was reminded of Jesus when He cursed the fig tree.12 It is God’s purpose to do as He wills. Stars are just as important, and, just as easily set forth or cast away by His word. The power to command stars to do His bidding is perfectly within the power of His divine omnipotence. In Matthew 28:18 Jesus states: “All authority on heaven and on earth has been given unto me.” If the God of the entirety of all creation has the power to create, and then set forth, and then cast down stars, what is that to us? Should we not let Him ask us, as He did Job: “Who is it that does this?” It is certainly Him and Him alone.
In our remembering God’s omnipotence, let us not forget Revelation. The stars of the heaven were cast down to the ground. This is certainly a meteorological phenomenon of supernatural proportions. Modern astronomists will tell you that all of the host of heaven rushing towards planet earth would certainly collapse the galaxy. And that is just one galaxy. What about the other galaxies in the local group? Or what of the groups in the universe? What about the other universes in the multiverse? From what modern pseudo-science tells us, surely the Bible is a metaphor. Today, astrophysicists have a field day mocking the Word of God. As well they should. They follow the father of lies and his plan for their mind. I do believe that there are honest Godly men among them, but they have been blinded. They are great dads and moms, and they go to church, and they give to the poor, but their training has led them away from the truth of God’s hand. Lies and indoctrination have moved them out of the literal Word of God into a trite “words of a god” – and for that, I weep steadily and pray that they find hope and truth in God’s Word. They are like the ones who bowed down to the host of heaven in the first chapter of the prophecy of Zephaniah… God will remove His hand from them of protection, and stretch forth His hand in judgement. It is not I that says this. It is the Bible itself.13
What is sad to me personally is that my uncle is among them. My uncle Maxwell Hart, author of “Motion Unification”, discusses in length issues that are in direct contrast with the Word of God, though he, my aunt, and my father were raised by the same God-fearing parents. My grandmother especially, loved The Word and trained up her sons and daughter to respect and love it. Unfortunately Uncle Max has rejected The Word and replaced the wholeness of Godly science with the postmodern fallacies of humanism.14
1 See Matthew 2 for the full story.
2 Psalm 19:1b NLT
3 As a child, I spent my summers in the northwest Kansas deserts, when light pollution was still a class 1 on the Bortle scale. Seeing the entirety of the Milky Way at such magnitude has stayed with me forever.
4 Revelation 4:11 KJV “Thou art worthy, O Lord, to receive glory and honor and power: for thou hast created all things, and for thy pleasure they are and were created.”
5 Colossians 1:16 CEV “Everything was created by him, everything in heaven and on earth, everything seen and unseen, including all forces and powers, and all rulers and authorities. All things were created by God’s Son, and everything was made for him.”
6 Read: “Cosmos” or Strong’s 2889: “Kosmos” (κόσμος), the ordered world, universe, all the world, the face of the world.
7 See the extra-Biblical texts 1st Enoch (commonly called: “The book of Enoch”) and The book of Jasher for more information.
8 See “Introduction” in this book.
9 Isaiah 40:26 GNT
10 Job 38:31-33 WEB
11 Revelation 6:13 ASV
12 See Mark 11 for the whole awesome story.
13 Deuteronomy 4:19, Deuteronomy 17:3, 2 Chronicles 33:5, 2 Kings 17:16, 2 Kings 21:3-5, 2 Kings 23:4-5, Isaiah 47:13, Daniel 4:7, Jeremiah 8:2, Jeremiah 19:12-13, Amos 5:25-27, Zephaniah 1:4-5, Acts 7:42,43
14 It is unknown to me at this time if my uncle’s book has had peer- review.
──Biblical Cosmology by Pauly Hart
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