Monday, October 14, 2024

Vine Media


第八天 上帝在工作──Day 8 God at work among the Hazara

For English version, please refer to the latter part of this page


  • 雖然我當時並沒有宗教信仰,但《上帝之道》引起了我的興趣,我成為了穩定的聽眾。他們談到了和平。然而,我周圍所看到的只是一個被戰爭籠罩的世界。主持人還深入討論了耶穌基督和其他引人入勝的話題。不久之後,我偶然間參加了一個基督徒聚會,和我過去參加過的截然不同,他們對婦女及其親人有令人難以置信的尊重。我感謝上帝引導我走上了正確的道路。”
  • “五個月前,我的兄弟向我介紹了你們的節目。我們感謝上帝賜給我們這個節目,因為它開啟了我們的眼界。我們不能告訴別人我們的信仰,因為這裡太危險了,但我們的家人經常聚在一起聽你們的節目。我們有信仰的問題時,能否打電話給你們詢問?”
  • “兄弟,我一直在聽你的廣播節目,並為你禱告。你在廣播中講解的約瑟的故事,讓我有信心給你打電話,為曾經是你的迫害者向你道歉。”




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Day 8 God at work among the Hazara

Even in the depths of suffering, the Lord is at work. Below you will find a sampling of testimonies from our Word of God listeners that demonstrate just that. We trust these heartfelt stories will uplift your spirit as they did ours.

  • “Although I was not religious at the time, something about Word of God piqued my interest, and I became a regular listener. They spoke of peace. And yet, all I saw around me was a world engulfed in war. The presenter also delved into discussions about Jesus Christ and other fascinating topics. Before long, I stumbled on a Christian gathering, and it was a far cry from those I had attended in the past. There was an incredible regard for women and their loved ones. I thank God for guiding me on the right path.”
  • “My brother introduced me to your programs five months ago. We thank God for your program, as it has opened our eyes. We cannot tell others about our faith because it’s too dangerous here, but our families gather frequently to listen to you. Can I call you sometimes if we have questions about our faith?”
  • “Brother, I’ve been listening to your radio programs and praying for you. The story of Joseph that you are teaching on the radio gave me the confidence to call you and apologize for once being your persecutor.”

We praise God for the incredible transformation taking place within the lives of these individuals and the immense privilege to be a part of it. May their stories kindle hope and faith within our hearts, reminding us that even in the darkest corners, God’s light can shine through.


Lord, I pray for your power to equip Hazara women to navigate social, physical, and spiritual challenges. May they find the God of all comfort and peace.

Please download the English version from Trans World Radio:
Contact: For general enquiry [email protected],Tel: +852 2780 8336;For donation support



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