第十七天 蘇里南的瓦亞納族──Day 17 The Wayana people of Suriname
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湯姆.肖恩(Tom Schoen)兩歲時,他和哥哥、姐姐以及爸爸媽媽一同從加利福尼亞搬到了南美洲蘇裡南叢林中的小國。
這家人乘坐獨木舟前往瓦亞納部落的附近,這是一個未被宣教士接觸的部落,他們的父母伊萬和多麗絲.肖恩(Ivan and Doris Schoen)希望向這個部落宣講基督的教義。這個年輕的家庭在帳篷裡生活了九個月,逐漸了解他們的新鄰居和他們的語言,直到瓦亞納人邀請他們在村裡居住。他們建了一個像村裡其他小屋一樣的棚子,一家人住在裡面。
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Day 17 The Wayana people of Suriname
Christ comes to the jungles of Suriname
Tom Schoen was 2 years old when he moved with his older brother and sister and his mom and dad from California to the jungles of the tiny South American nation of Suriname.
The family traveled by dugout canoe to the vicinity of the Wayana, an unreached tribe that his parents, Ivan and Doris Schoen, sought to introduce to Christ. The young family lived in a tent for nine months, gradually getting to know their new neighbors and their language, until the Wayana invited them to live in their village. They built a hut just like the other huts in the village and lived in it as a family.
For an active boy growing up, life couldn’t have been better.
“Growing up in the jungle for a boy is heaven,” said Tom Schoen, now 65, who has served many years as a pastor in California. “I mean, it’s a big playground.”
Though the jungle was a playground from a boy’s perspective, the mission agency sending the Schoens had wanted to send only Ivan initially. Just a few years earlier, Jim Elliot and four other missionaries had been martyred by the Auca Indians, a similar South American tribe.
Ivan and Doris prayed intensely and thought God was telling them to go as a family. The wisdom of that choice became clear later, after the Schoens had befriended the tribe.
“The things that they had intertribal warfare over—they would shoot men, and they would steal women and steal children,” Tom explained. But the tribe reasoned that if Ivan had come for war, he wouldn’t have brought his own wife and children. They adopted a wait-and-see posture instead.
In time, the Schoens were able to learn the Wayana language and their fearful, animistic worldview. The Wayana believed that the only good spirit, the one who had created the world, had left.
“We were able to begin to present Christ in the fashion that that great spirit may have left at that point, but that he sent his Son, and his Son’s name is Jesus,” Tom said.
A shaman, or witch doctor, professed faith in Christ after the Schoens nursed him back to health from a serious illness. That opened the way for others in this previously unreached tribe to embrace gospel truth.
By God’s grace, a large number of the Wayana people, as well as the neighboring Trio tribe, came to faith in Christ. But that’s only the beginning of the story.
Heavenly Father, thank for your work through the Schoen family and other missionaries carrying God’s Word into Suriname. Thank you for reaching the heart of key leaders in the Wayana tribe. May spiritual growth deepen through discipleship training.
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